on 21-04-2015 04:26 AM
I have recenly had 4 cases opened against me. The buyers says he has paid using bank deposit. I have no money in my account and they wont produce and deposit info or reference numbers. They have now left some very nasty feedback and ebay dont seem to give a toss. Any ideas on what I should do.
My feedback profile is attached so you can see.
on 30-04-2015 05:26 PM
kazam, I have had several occasions where I have received the checkout message to say the customer will be paying by bank deposit and the hourglass showed (just as it does with a Paypal eCheque). When there was no sign of the payment after a few days I contacted them to confirm they used the right bank details, only to be told they forgot about that one and they will pay now. Payments showed up within 48 hrs.
Clearly the message does not necessarily mean the buyer has already paid, it just means that they have elected to pay with direct deposit. eBay has no way of verifying that they have paid as they cannot access the buyer's bank records, nor is there anywhere for the buyer to upload receipt details. That's why the message says the buyer will be paying and not that they have paid.
on 30-04-2015 05:26 PM
We got one of those same ebay messages the other day.
And the little hour glass symbol was blue too.
In our case the buyer could not have sent the payment yet as we don't have our bank details on the listings.
We got a separate message from the buyer requesting our bank details which we sent back.
The little blue hour galss was there from the very beginning even tho the buyer could not have sent the bank transfer at the time.
In our case the bank deposit showed up next day so all was good. So I marked it as Payment Received and we shipped the item.
But I think this ebay message is definitley an INTENT to pay as opposed to a guarantee payment has been sent. At least it looks that way from what we see.
on 30-04-2015 05:43 PM
@ Pennyforum and Clarry.
I just must be one of the lucky ones who has ALWAYS had payment made by direct deposit when I received that message.
But if what you both are saying is correct, then it's a pointless exercise by eBay.
on 30-04-2015 06:52 PM
@black*poppy wrote:Isn't it weird how the buyer was able to open an Item Not Received case with ebay when they have paid (or claimed to) by bank deposit?
Whether they paid or not, either way it would NOT have shown up as a paypal payment. Yet a case was opened
When I mentioned on another thread that it is possible to use the ebay MBG after paying with bank deposit I was told this was not possible.
So I guess you are not safe from MBG when a buyer uses bank deposit.
If a buyer chooses bank deposit they can still open an INR case through ebay however they are not covered by the MBG. If the buyer escalates it and asks ebay to step in the case is closed in favour of the seller and no defect applies.
on 30-04-2015 07:36 PM
@5kazam wrote:I'm going to disagree with you here.
Firstly, not everyone goes through 'checkout'.
Secondly, when buyers select the direct deposit option and pay that way, is when the eBay advice comes through. If I go to my sold list there is a little hour-glass in blue, which tells me payment is on its way - no intention, payment has been made.
I've never, ever had the 'I'm sending payment shortly' advice where someone hasn't already paid by direct deposit (and I often get a follow up message saying this is what they have done).
So on what basis are you stating that they 'might intend to pay that way'.
Disagree all you like. The, other than those I've already provided, salient point is 'I'm sending payment shortly'. Not 'I have paid'. And even 'I have paid' is a moot point unless the funds are in your account. As you well know, regardless of payment method.
And the hourglass indicates they say they have paid. Or will pay. It actually indicates they have gone through checkout and selected a payment method that isn't instant Paypal.