on 23-04-2013 08:40 PM
Hi some ideas / advice from other sellers please, this has not happened to us before. We posted an item with tracking to the seller's address (his workplace) as shown on ebay. He claims not to have it , even though he saw the tracking steps showed it HAD BEEN delivered to his workplace.
We also checked the tracking steps via Aust Post website and according to the final step it WAS delivered to his workplace.
So, as far as we are concerned, we have followed correct procedure, as has Aust Post; is there any requirement of us to reimburse him for a parcel which appears to have 'disappeared' once it reached his workplace?
Thank you
on 24-04-2013 01:46 AM
You say you posted to the buyer's address as shown on ebay? Is it the same address as shown in paypal if that is the way they paid?
You will only have sellers protection if you sent to the paypal address.
on 24-04-2013 01:52 AM
Fot Paypal protection if you hav proof of delivery to the address on the Paypal transaction page, that means you need to have used click & send and lodged over the counter, eparcel or platinum express. As far as the tracking on red and ordinary express satchels and the new parcel tracking that only shows delivery to the suburb the nearest mail centre is in so unless that is the same suburb as the address you will probably need signature on delivery.
If you do have the relevant proof of posting then it will be up to the buyer to convince Paypal they should cover a refund.
on 24-04-2013 08:15 PM
OK what about the new $6.95 basic post, The receipt now comes with a tracking number and the post code and the date, Why would PP not except this as proof of post.
Im mean its the same as anything else it does prove it was sent.
And I have got in to the habit of taking a photo of the item then the item being packed then it fully packed and then the address and then the receipt once it has been posted
I then email the buyer and thank him-her telling them its on its way and attach all the photo,s for them and I supply the AP website URL so they can track it. I always send the photo,s threw Ebay under contact buyer and there is an option to attach photo,s whidh clearly states when you click on it that ebay can see them.
I also email them as soon as the item sells and ask if they would like reg post and always tell them its the best way.
I dont sell very much just getting rid of my excess parts from my business but so far no one has boither to take the reg, post option they just simple deposit the $6.95 with the payment in PP, most times not even returning emails. I dont see how this should be the sellers problem anymore as the option was there for them. And as you know im all for buyers as they are your business.
The new changes to the postal system should be enough for PP to except it was posted I beleive.
on 24-04-2013 11:34 PM
What a lot of fuss for nothing. Paypal will not accept your photographs as proof of anything, and the buyers probably do not even realise they are there.
on 25-04-2013 12:28 AM
Well thats funny I,ve actually had many email me back and they were absolutely stoked that I went to the trouble and were amazed that I sent pictures. In fact one of the first I sent pics to left this as feedback after emailing me twice to say he has never had anyone with a customer focus as I . This is what he said you can check if you like. Its in my feedback.
A seller with a true customer service focus. Check it. And if you like email him.
And even if they were not happy after receiving there item I would not blink an eye lid in returning there money and they can keep the item. I would rather give it away than have a customer unhappy.
It takes less than a couple seconds to go click with a camera.
Its a bit hard to say something wasnt posted or was sent to the wrong address when you clearly have recorded it both with a cam and photo,s. And I only send to the address on the PP invoice. And I make sure the receipt has the postcode and date now it also has tracking So why is this form of postage not recognised buy ebay PP as safe.
And the reason I started doing it I actually read it on these boards that its was recognised buy PP as proof even though it was just you,s debating it some saying yes and some saying no so what is it then. That was a few mths ago.
So what is actually wrong with that. And why is it to much trouble. It must take a whole of like 1 minute for everything. And it makes sense.
And you didnt answer my question about the 6.95 post.
on 25-04-2013 12:44 AM
OH and the reason they no the pictures are there is when is simple. When I email them I say this.
Thank you for your custom and prompt payment it is much appreciated. As promised your item has been promptly posted .
I have attached photos of your item and package showing correct address and receipt for your peace of mind.
Many Regards .............
Im pretty sure that lets them know the photo,s are there.
on 25-04-2013 01:52 AM
There is customer PR issue and your paypal protection. 2 seperate issues.
paypal require evidence that the paypal address is linked to the tracking number, and the tracking number is recorded as in transit eg C & S label+ online activity action. A postcode would not prove you hadn't written the address incorrectly for example. A photo of package does not prove you actually posted that package.
on 25-04-2013 07:39 AM
I took the advice of kopenhagen 5 and emailed buyer requesting he follow up on who in the workplace is responsible for the receiving of all postage and suggested he contact his local PO which delivers to his workplace, two excellent suggestions I thought, thanks K5. I have not heard anything back as yet.
One thing I have learnt from this is that it appears I must check both ebay invoice address AND paypal payment address; I have never checked seller's paypal address!! only posted to the ebay address unless otherwise advised directly by the buyer... luckily I have never had an issue arise because of this!
(and this particular buyer's ebay and PP posting address is the same)
So thanks for that tip too
on 25-04-2013 11:07 AM
@lanes-end, But it does have tracking and when checked it even states where it went. And if you have only sent 1 item that was sold in the last day or so how could it be anything but there parcel.
Maybe ill use my spy camera as well and take pic of it being lodged at the post office I would love to see PP ebay dispute that , and i would take it to court all the way. No judge on earth would say it was not sent as there it is on the scales in a AP office with the correct address. And because Ive disclosed I have taken the photo,s to ebay and the customer and AP they can be used in a court of law as evidence so why if its good enough for the courts but not PP. Seems to me a bit strange. And very selective buy PP as before all you had to do was make sure it had tracking.
on 25-04-2013 11:27 AM
Wasn't there a thread not long back with something similar? The buyer had her address set to her work place then claimed item not received. The seller was switched on and contacted a few other sellers that had dealt with the same buyer. All had similar claims.
Someone rang the work place and spoke with management, asking why so many parcels were lost "all to the same person".
Long story short, the buyer was getting the items. But l think she ended up out of a job afterwards.