on โ09-04-2015 10:09 PM
on โ09-04-2015 11:52 PM
Not sure.
I imagine (and hope) the "tests" of identity would be greater than linking existing accounts in same country.
I am aware that others have moved countries and changed their location country no probs, I am not sure why it is so important for you to retain a UK location when you have lived in Oz two years. If you move back to UK, change location then, you'll know what to do then- lol
on โ09-04-2015 11:58 PM
on โ10-04-2015 12:01 AM
on โ10-04-2015 12:04 AM
on โ10-04-2015 12:12 AM
on โ10-04-2015 12:14 AM
on โ10-04-2015 12:23 AM
on โ10-04-2015 12:39 AM
on โ10-04-2015 05:05 AM
Not surprised
Is a US company
I have noticed a lot of
US listings turn up
on searches in Aus
with priority before
Aus listings.
on โ10-04-2015 11:45 AM