Items not showing up with search on eBay USA uk from oz eBay listing

I have no clue how to start my own thread but I have a uk ebay and oz eBay as moved to oz almost two years ago I have loads of feedback in uk but no so many in oz.
Most of my oz feedback are from buying.
My up one was buying and selling.
I have listed an item on eBay au and I can't see it on eBay USA or uk etc but I was able to do this in uk a few years back.
Now I contacted ebay to ask why I cant see my auction from other eBay sites they said I needed to change my listing from a fixed with best offer to auction with a buy it now so relisted it.
Checked and still not been able to view.
I then asked again on live chat what's going on they said tech fault.
Ok o then contacted then again and they said I need to select worldwide shipping I said I have check my auction,if offers this.
They then said It is showing up on other eBay site so checked and I can't see them by searching on names etc of item etc just like others would do looking for this.
They then said I needed to relist it I said why already did today then said its a tech fault???
Do they know what there doing as really something this simple should not be that hard or surely there is a reason?
I have heard that there maybe restrictions if trying to make your item viewable on other ebays if not sold on your country one,I'm told I need to select which countries I want to ship to etc,I'm told so much stuff not enough feedback not sold anything on this account before its endless.
Surely ebay should know?
Anyway I can't find my time on other eBay sites unless I enter the auction number and not many will know this the type in a name and find items this way so why is this feature not working for me.
It's driving me nuts this and want to list more but just having too much problem with this one and want to let other sites to see it also.
What's going on
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Items not showing up with search on eBay USA uk from oz eBay listing

@kiltedroo wrote:

I have listed an item on eBay au and I can't see it on eBay USA or uk etc but I was able to do this in uk a few years back.

Visibility on other sites now actually depends on a few different factors - the most important is selling history. As a miniumum, 10 feedback from selling, with the first sale being more than 90 days old. Unfortunately, if those requirements aren't met, the listing will be all but invisible (it will turn up via an item number search, but prospective buyers wouldn't have that to look for it). 


The other main factor is postage options. Once you can be visible, you need to make sure that you quote P&H to the UK and US individually (that doesn't guarantee visibility, just makes sure you have the best shot). When you set up international postage costs, you can list a custom location to quote P&H to specific countries / regions, then add another option to quote for a different one, and/or offer a rate to cover the rest of the locations you post to. 

Message 21 of 24
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Items not showing up with search on eBay USA uk from oz eBay listing

So looks like then as I have no selling on my au ebay account then this is why I can't view item from usa or uk which is what I want.
So with me having a uk ebay account with parents address on it and my uk bank account same address and my paypal in uk all linked what do I need to do?steps involved?
My oz ebay has our current oz address with oz bank card and paypal linked to that.
I'm told get accounts linked so I can then gain then power of having my items seen overseas as it's been around for ages and have loads of selling feedback etc.
But I thought with having my uk account and oz account the way it is would be ideal as I can still buy from say uk who don't ship to oz and sent to parents and then can be sent to me.
But I had no idea until now having a oz ebay that due to not having selling feedback etc my stuff would not be viewable overseas so not really suitable for me.
I could contact ebay but who usa ebay,uk ebay,ebay au?
Or are they all same place as to be honest when I asked questions on live chat here in au they did not seem to have a clue and told me all sorts which did not make any difference to my issues and can I trust them linking accounts or what I'm asking for.
I'm also hearing that if you do change your addresses etc in uk account with ebay your still billed in pounds which is not really suitable when my funds are really in oz.
I maybe making this out bigger that it is but I wondering if there are benefits to have what I have already each account one in uk and oz or link them or change details on uk.
Message 22 of 24
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Items not showing up with search on eBay USA uk from oz eBay listing

Online help are pretty hopeless


As suggested ealier request a callback from eBay au  and take it from there. 


Heres the link to selling help page, including updating account and selling limits - scroll down to the very bottom and select call me button ~ there is a one minute wait showing, so you could know within a few minutes what you need to do.|6|1&query=581&st=6&topicName=Selling...


Message 23 of 24
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Items not showing up with search on eBay USA uk from oz eBay listing

Now that I have changed my uk ebay address to my oz address and called them to say if I get billed it shows in uk pounds which now has been changed to au dollars so looks like I'm all set to go for listing on my uk eBay account with my oz addresses etc.
But now where do I list these through ebay uk,go to ebay usa and list or with ebay au?
If I remember right I went on ebay usa with being logged on with my uk eBay and it was getting a bit of a mess when it came to shipping as it was on a usa ebay.
When I went to uk eBay it was asking for uk pounds for price on item,even though I have changed my addresses to oz etc
And when I went to ebay au it was not really saying much about worldwide shipping etc what's going on with it all where do I list and so its viewable from other ebay sites.
As im no longer using my ebay au to list but now can use my uodated uk account which has no restrictions but it's confusing the hell out of me which one I should be using to get what I'm after.
Also it goes on about shipping polices and payment polices etc what's that all about as its lost me and was not around last time I was selling, just want to list,add paypal as payment,to be shown on many ebay sites and we are done.
Message 24 of 24
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