Large letter/merchandise international post no more with Australia Post

Australia Post has removed the option for large letter with flat merchandise as of now. Which means, teatowels, handkerchiefs..any flat textile usually lightweight must now be sent at parcel rates. I will be still trying it out with hankies and teatowels sandwiched between cardboard and saying 'printed matter only' and see what happens. I've already had one small item returned to me this week by APO, but I didnt reinforce with cardboard. It was soft and a dead give away...they opened it up, cut the end of the little bubble bag, then taped it back down with a printed note. I guess they have to make lots more money to pay the CEO their several million a year salary.

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Re: Large letter/merchandise international post no more with Australia Post

@porcelain_dolls_by_me wrote:


If we must now send the same goods as a parcel it will cost $21.00 in postage - not justifiable to a buyer when the item only costs $22.00

Afraid this new shipping requirement will mean we need to cease 99% of our sales to overseas buyers.

Obviously it depends what you're selling and what buyers are looking for but I have sold a number of items to the US - about $10 for the item and up to $60 for freight, so freight is not always a deal breaker. 


Thankfully my buyers understand that there is no correlation between what they pay for an item and what it costs in freight

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Re: Large letter/merchandise international post no more with Australia Post

No, my local LPO told me the CN22 is no longer applcable since they have now moved to the CN23 form which electronically records all details of the transaction.

Regardless, the new policy is pretty clear in that all "merchandise" must now be sent as a parcel - not an economy letter.

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