List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

The following popped up in my promotional offers today -

List & Sell up to 10 items for free on eBay now!
Pay no insertion and final value fees on up to 10 items. T&Cs apply. Learn More
Start: 10/09/17 13:02:42 AEST
End: 11/10/17 23:59:59 AEDST


I thought great, I have a few extra items to sell.

I listed 10 items.

I checked my account - I was charged listing fees.

Two of my items sold - I was charged FV fees.


I contated Ebay and asked what was happening.

I was told that they had no record of this offer.

I explained that it was on My Ebay under promo offers - not an email which might be dodgey, it was actually on my account.


Sorry, no record.

Utterly hopeless.  Their customer service is a joke.


Beware if you receive this offer.  They are not bothering to honour it.

And what can anyone do?  Ebay have become a law unto themselves.


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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

@*tippy*toes* wrote:


I was generously compensated with list 10 items for free. When I've used that promotion in the past, the items that sold still got charged FVF's. When I used to use those promotions I'd list higher priced items, so I was then charged a lot of FVF's. I don't trust these promotions now.


I accepted the list 10 items for free promotion and listed a higher priced item and it didn't come of the 10 items


for free promotion,(it came of the 40 free ones of course).


So I just ended it and I might relist it if they can get it "fixed",good.gif

Message 31 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

I got the email for 4 accounts, one isn't active, but I've not accepted it yet. I'm still using my 40. If it's still active when I've used them I might accept it, but having issues in the past, I'm in 2 minds.

Message 32 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

I stopped selling in 2014 as the fes got higher and the sales less and I check the selling board most nights to remind myself not to sell again but then today I got the sell 10 items for free on 2 of my old selling accounts and the temptation is almost irresistible.


Do you think it's worth the punt risking being charged all the fees and the fact there's a good chance of being ripped off by a rogue buyer. Aargh decisions. I used to love selling here.



Message 33 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

I just had a quick look and neither of the messages are actually in my ebay inbox hmm

Message 34 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

I just accepted the offer and it started yesterday,(not 5 minutes ago when I accepted it).


10 for free offer..PNG


Which looks like time,(which would explain why one of my labels wouldn't print as it kept coming up with the preview to 


select their postage options,(eg: UPS and others?).


I am defintely on the AU site.

Message 35 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

Exactly. Dream team


Dream as in not real

Message 36 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

found messages in my promotions decided not to bother

Message 37 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

The latest is that it's finally accepted two of the listings,(but now the two that where accepted where due to relist).


So instead of relisting they have been given new numbers and lsited in the 10 free promotion).


Then I listed the higher priced item and it came of the 40 free listings,(so I cancelled it again).


Will they ever get it right?

Message 38 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

I got the same "list and sell items for free.

they still tried to charge me $1.65 for those too.

SO sick of this.

It's been going on for over 2 weeks, when on earth is it going to end?

Message 39 of 65
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List & Sell 10 Items for Free - A COMPLETE SCAM

Just to add something which may be a work around.


I listed 2 new listings and they both went through OK as Free Listings - even got the 'List for Free 3 times box.


The third one had a fee of 1.65. I backtracked and saved as a Draft. I then opened it in Quick List - Option at Top right of listing.

It listed for free with the 3 free listings.


Anyone else want to try it to see if this will work for them?

Message 40 of 65
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