on โ11-10-2012 05:12 PM
Just looked at my current DSR's today and I got a 1 for communication.
I don't understand how someone could leave a low star for communication.
Ebay sends out all the auto emails, where they prefer you not to send your own personal messages to the buyers.
I have positive feedback, but would prefer to at least know where I could or if I could improve in that area.
At the moment I send most buyers a message after I post their items, which I generally get a "thank you" from the buyers.
Since ebay is sending out their owns emails, and I too message the buyers when posted. How can I still get low DSR's in communication??
Should I change what I am currently doing? Or am I being to picky?
on โ11-10-2012 08:23 PM
I am sorry to hear about your low DSR and understand how disappointing it is to receive them when you go out of your way to provide excellent service.
Unfortunately low DSR's are unavoidable for a myriad of reasons from being left in error, buyers not knowing how the rating system works (ie some assuming a 1 = excellent), to some buyers being genuinely dissatisfied even if you comply with your trading terms as specified in listings.
I do not send each buyer a message. I do however respond to every single enquiry I receive, and fairly promptly, either via my PC or phone. My communication DSR's are fairly good, and it is almost non existent for me to receive a low DSR for communication.
In saying that I get a few low DSR's for postage time and cost even though I post same day or within 1 business day as specified in my listings. In researching low postage cost DSR's they typically have come from buyers that I have charged below the actual postage cost. It proved the point to me that as others have said you simply cannot please all people all the time.
Continue to provide great service to your customers in the manner which you feel is right, and that you believe suits the majority of your customers. Do not worry about the odd low DSR. If most of your buyers are leaving great feedback take that as a good indication that you are doing a great job ๐
on โ11-10-2012 08:36 PM
yes that is true. I also experienced the same when buying. Even though their was no tracking number, it still gave auto 5 star.
on โ11-10-2012 08:38 PM
thanks for that ๐
But I guess I'll will just keep doing what I am doing.
on โ12-10-2012 12:49 AM
I've given up on understanding DSRs, and really can't see the point of them, apart from the fact, buyers can leave them anonomously, which may protect them from some "hate email" by a few sellers.
I have been marked down a little bit on postage costs. I don't offer free postage - did for a while but decided it wasn't worthwhile. as I try and keep my prices as reasonable as possible and don;t want to pay ebay any more fees than I have to. I only ever charge the postage cost, and sometimes I pay a bit more than paid by buyer.
I'll probably never have 5 stars for postage as I have health problems and allow 2 days for postage, often post in one, sometimes there will be a delay, as there has been the past couple of weeks due to my health..
On communication, I do OK and send a message when item is purchased and another one when item is posted. Also answer any questions ASAP. I have had some lovely emails from a number of buyers, so guess the majority of buyers are happy.
I'm only a small seller and am just going to keep doing what I am, as when all the new changes come in I'll be losing my TRS anyway. I always try and give the best service I can and think most buyers appreciate this from any seller.
on โ12-10-2012 03:34 AM
As long as you mark an item as sent or input the tracking details ebay send an auto item posted email so you are perhaps doubling up on that one which would annoy some buyers.
I don't look closely at my DSRs then I don't have to worry about them, as long as my average stays above the ebay average I find it pointless wasting time on them.
My sales stay consistent despite what my feedback or stars are doing and regardless of if I have TRS or not.
on โ12-10-2012 03:54 AM
What's the eBay average, pj?
Doesn't show up anymore.
on โ12-10-2012 08:49 PM
Doesn't it? Shows how often I check then doesn't it :^O
on โ17-10-2012 04:01 PM
So . . just say a buyer ignores the automatic emails . . . and then sends a message asking when the item was posted (or something similar), and I reply - I can have my communication DSR dinged . . but if I DON'T reply - I'll get an automatic 5 star for communication?
Rrrright . . . makes perfect sense. :^O
on โ17-10-2012 06:51 PM
If you ignore a question from a buyer you do not qualify for the automatic 5 stars.
Part of the criteria is NO communication between buyer and seller. If the buyer contacts you for any reason at all that is termed communication.
on โ17-10-2012 08:13 PM
If you ignore a question from a buyer you do not qualify for the automatic 5 stars.
Part of the criteria is NO communication between buyer and seller. If the buyer contacts you for any reason at all that is termed communication.
The same applies for sellers to buyers. This would seemingly also include any automatic email that eBay sends on your behalf once a buyer has won the item. As I once said nothing to the winner, just shipped the item when they paid. eBay sent out their usual email to them, saying whatever it says. Lo and behold they gave less than 5 stars for communication... go figure.