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May be a fee for resisting?

I was listing a few things yesterday for this $1.10 weekend offer, when I suddenly notice "may be a fee for relisting".

When ws this slipped in, does anyone know, it sounds a bit ambiguous to me.

Message 1 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

@grannytakesatrip17 wrote:


Why does everything have to be so complicated ๐Ÿ™‚

It's actually quite easy to take advantage of the $1.10 FVF offers.

When they come up just click on the offer and any items you then list during the promotion time and that would


normally have that FVF or higher will only be charged $1.10 when it sells.

If it doesn't sell and you don't want to be charged the normal FVF's then you just end it after ir relists.

Message 11 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

Actually, that what I figured too. I edited out the relisting and just hope I continue to get these nice invitations.



Message 12 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

It's usually in the T&C's under "Good till cancelled listings", not under the bit you've quoted.


All it means is that once they roll over the $1.10 fvf no longer applies, nor does the 'no listing fee', therefore if you haven't got enough free listings left to cover them you'll be charged a listing fee when they roll over.  That means it's best to end them just before they roll over if you don't have enough free listings.

Message 13 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

I haven't had to list anything new for about a week, but I just noticed the same message today when I was going to add some more auctions (as in, not GTC). I just relisted a $2 coin and didn't take notice of it (as long as the relist checkbox is there it's usually OK to list), it was only when I was about to list a game that I saw the text difference. With 12 free listings left for the month on the most expensive eBay site in the world (prove me wrong if you can) I'm not even going to attempt listing anything new for now. eBay already made sure that I was excluded from any and every other free listing promotion aside from the 40 that every single person in Australia gets.

"Automatically relist this item up to 8 times if it doesn't sell. Fees may apply for each relist."

The old message used to be "Automatically relist this item up to 8 times if it doesn't sell - it's free to relist."

I've heard of this happening to random sellers for at over the past year but on my account it's always been free until now. I will add that I have only ever used the advanced listing form and not the dumbed-down phone style one. I guess I will just have to wait and see if my 12 listings suddenly drop to 9 after the next three items relist today, as I've noticed that the message has been applied retroactively to everything if I attempt to revise an item.

If this is the future of eBay, I wonder how long multiple-variation GTCs will last before eBay closes that "loophole" too... (where's the :evil: emoticon?)

I'm hoping it's just worded differently and non-stores still actually get free relists. Quoting the help page:

An insertion fee applies (or it counts as a free listing):

* For the original auction-style listing
* Each time the item is relisted, if you have an eBay Store or are selling on eBay as a business.

Since I'm not a store account or a business seller, theoretically I shouldn't be charged for automatic relists, although who knows if eBay ever updates the help pages in turn with their T&Cs, they could be ten years old just like their year range in the coin category (according to eBay, no coins were minted after 31/12/2009).

Message 14 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

"resistance is futile .. "

Message 15 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

"never surrender"

Message 16 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

I see it as follows



  • If you're using the advanced listing form to create an auction with a duration of 5 days or more, you can choose to automatically relist the item by selecting the Automatically relist this item up to 8 times if it doesn't sell box.
  • Automatic relisting is available in most categories, but there are some exclusions (see below).
  • An insertion fee applies (or it counts as a free listing๐Ÿ˜ž
    • For the original auction-style listing
    • Each time the item is relisted, if you have an eBay Store or are selling on eBay as a business.

If your item doesn't sell after 8 relists, it will appear in your unsold items.

Message 17 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

OK....just encountered the same went on to 'live chat'. Here is the transcript: listings now say this: Automatically relist this item up to 8 times if it doesn't sell. Fees may apply for each relist. It has always said (previously) that it was free....what has changed?
2020 - 01 - 01
05:59:09 UTC Rowell
Good Day! Thank you for contacting eBay Live Chat this is Rowell.
05:59:20 UTC twyngwyn
05:59:24 UTC Rowell
Hello Michele, how are you? I hope you have a wonderful day!
05:59:36 UTC twyngwyn
nice & cool
05:59:40 UTC Rowell
I can see that this is about the item duration, right?
05:59:53 UTC twyngwyn
06:00:23 UTC Rowell
Allow me to explain this matter Michele.
06:00:36 UTC twyngwyn
please do
06:01:24 UTC Rowell
For the auction items that has a Automatic relist for 8 times. I would like to confirm that there is nothing that you need to worry because the fees will not apply for reach relist. That information you see in the listing format is actually how it worked before.
06:03:33 UTC Rowell
I'd like to clarify this matter that there is nothing that you need to worry about the items that will automatically relist since if they are not sold then it will naturally end and be placed in your unsold section for 60 days and you may relist them manually
06:04:22 UTC twyngwyn
OK, but it says that: fees may apply for each re-list??
06:04:31 UTC twyngwyn
Is this an error?
06:05:01 UTC Rowell
You can disregard that as we are working on removing that information avoiding to create mess on the listing form.
06:05:38 UTC twyngwyn
Thankyou very is an error
06:05:47 UTC Rowell
Have I answered your questions regarding your concern today Michele?
06:06:05 UTC twyngwyn
Yes, I believe so, thankyou
06:06:30 UTC Rowell
No worries, I'm confident that you will not be charge. You're most welcome. I'm glad I was able to assist you today. It's nice to talk to you. Once again this is Rowell. Wish you all the best.. Thanks for using eBay Live Chat! Take care and goodbye for now.
06:06:32 UTC Rowell
Enjoy the rest of your day! Cheers!
06:06:39 UTC Rowell
Happy New Year!
06:06:42 UTC
Chat ended by Rowell



Message 18 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

Well that is reassuring. I must admit I have not been charged extra fees. Thanks for posting that ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 19 of 26
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Re: May be a fee for resisting?

As Rowell said: Happy New Year!
Message 20 of 26
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