My buy now price is lower than the start price

We are really new to selling and these pages seem to be the best way to get help.

It's just a hobby I share with my daughter. Anyway.


I am trying to sell some thing with a buy now price attached after a couple of days I realised it wasn't listed and had send to online auction next to it.  After opening the online auction tool it said one of my listing's is in violation of E'bay's policies.  It seem's my starting price was $19.99 yet I only put in a buy it now price for $4.95. At no time did I put in $19.99 as a start price.


So I was wondering how could this happen?

What can I do about it?  I tried to revise the item and my buy it now price is $4.95 and there is no starting price.

Will I get in trouble with E'bay ie. suspension of account etc.


So far we are having fun but I don't want it turning bad for her such as a suspension. She is only 9 and would be devasted as she has put alot of time into it taking photo's, editing them and listing the item's.  



Message 1 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

I will try and help best I can...... !. Revise your item, 2 Continue down the page until you see Choose a Format and Price, 3. There you can enter the starting price and Buy It Now Price. 4. You then when you have changed the prices Starting and if required Buy it now  go to the bottom of the bage click continue. 5.Now click Submit Revisions that should do the job.


Message 2 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

Hello, just a heads up, but you probably shouldn't mention to anyone that you allow your 9 year old daughter to use your account. That's actually a breach of policy and could get you into trouble.


When you joined, you formed a contract with eBay and agreed to abide by their Terms and Conditions and their User Agreement.


This is one of the things that you agreed to User Agreement


3. Using eBay

While using the eBay services, you will not:


use the eBay services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts, are under the age of 18, or are suspended from using the eBay services;



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 3 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

Just a few things... 🙂 When you list something in a fixed price format (that is, a Buy It Now price only, or Buy It Now with Best Offer), it will always have 'Send to online auction' in the options. Your item is still listed onsite as normal, but it's something you can do if you want to.


If you do use the send to online auction option, the start price is always set to $19.99 by default, while your Buy it now price carries over to be the buy it now price in the auction. If your original price is lower than eBay's default auction start price of $19.99, you can't submit the listing because you would end up with a listing that says "bid $19.99 or buy it now for $4.95, so you have to set your own amounts, or remove the buy it now price altogether so that your listing will be just a normal auction. 


The other thing is, if you do want a buy it now price on an auction listing, it has to be 30% more than the start price. So, in the case of your current auction, you would have needed $4.99 bid start, then $6.50 or more as the buy it now price.


I hope all that makes sense, but let me know if you need any further clarification.


Message 4 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

Thanks every body starting to make sense now.

I will just re-list it as an .99c auction.


Thanks for the heads up crikey.

I supervise everything that is done on E'bay all the listings start price etc (we do it together) and she doesn't have the password. I dont trust her that much she is a female and likes to shop.


I notice it's the same people answering everybodies post's giving informative and easy to understand answer's so I would just like to say




You have answered more of my question's than I have asked.  


Message 5 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

Tell your daughter that she does a great job with the photos Smiley Happy there are adults who list on eBay that could learn a thing or two from her about taking good clear photos Smiley LOL

Message 6 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

It is not a good idea to use a 99c start auction. Not only will you not make any money you give the impression that you don't think your item is worth very much.


I have listed things at $2.99, very rarely, and they haven't sold. I have listed them a couple of weeks later at $5.99 and they have ended up selling for a fair bit more than that.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 7 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

Hi everybody thanks for the advice.

we will set our prices at $2.99 and see how it goes 

thanks everybody your help and advice is appreciated


Message 8 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

While the listings do great credit to a 9 year old, if she/you want to sell anything at more than the starting price you need to make your listings more visible to more people.

Make more use of the title....."Earrings" is not going to attract many buyers.  Mention in the title whether the earrings are for pierced ears or are clip on or scew on.  Not everyone has pierced ears and it is handy to know before opening the listing.

Where you have multiple items in the same listings you need to describe each item separately, and use a few descriptive words like lovely, beautiful, need to go over the top but you need to persuade the buyer that you are selling an item that they really want.

Mentioning the colour is good too....sometimes it is not clear from the photo what a colour really is.

Message 9 of 21
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My buy now price is lower than the start price

Once again Thanks 


we will try to be more descriptive in our listings 

llike I said we are really new to selling and to be honest didn't realise it's not as easy or as cheap as I thought it would be.

but we are learning and we are changing things due to all the good advice we have received (wish I had of read your post before I listed the last item, I will revise it later tonight though)

My daughter say's thanks to everyone who has posted and has offered us some advice, she is having lots of fun (she thinks she is going to be a millionaire doing this) and that is priceless.

And to crikey thanks for the advice I have changed how we do things now.  I list the item's with her over my shoulder and she does all the rest except postage of course.


Thanks everybody we appreciate your advice 

Message 10 of 21
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