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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

It is high time that ebay reintroduce feedback options for SELLERS, other than positive - so that time wasting NON PAYING BIDDERS can be exposed!!   Any other sellers agree?....

Message 1 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

I strongly disagree with your comments.

The Ebay systems have a process where you can block bidders with two negative feedback in the last 6 months which I have activated, but because we can not leave honest realistic feedback it is impossible for a buyer to have a negative rating.

As a result there seems to be a plague of non paying bidders who are negatively impacting on the income and cashflow of many honest sellers.


This is not a positive part of ebay.

And those who defend an ineffective tainted system are the true cause of the problem as Ebay is renowned for having ineffective rules to protect sellers.



So how can you apply a block to bidders with negative feedback since sellers havent been able to leave negative feedback for a number of years. Looking more closely at your statement it implies to me that other SELLERS are the non-payers as only SELLERS can get negative feedback. Food for thought thats all. Another seller trying to interrupt your business????

Message 41 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

I agree with this.  I have blocks in place, but there seems to be a neverending succession of bad buyers who think it's ok to take 7 days to contact you after the auction ends and take even longer to pay.  I'm sick of it.  I got a negative feedback a year or so ago from some guy who didn't even contact me or pay for the item, despite me sending several requests for him to contact me.  And I can't even leave him negative feedback where it is quite legitimately warranted.  Not to mention I just got a negative feedback tonight from someone claiming there was some fault in the item.  They never contacted me to discuss it, and didn't bother to take up my full refund offer that I give on everything I sell.  So how is a buyer to know that a person like that is likely to be trouble if they percieve there to be something other than 100% satisfaction?  She can't get a "strike", as she paid for it.  So everyone continues on accepting bids from her without being aware that she might be more trouble than it's worth.


Basically, I'm only going to very reluctantly sell on ebay again in the future.  What once was a simple and excellent system about 5 years ago or so is now a disaster, in my mind.

Message 42 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

This just reminded me of a similar thing that was happening to me years ago when I was selling photographic prints. I was constantly getting bids from the US from people with 0 or 1 feedback point, and they continually reneged on paying. It seemed a clear case of market manipulation to me. In the end, I just gave up.
Message 43 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

@berniewest wrote:

I  Not to mention I just got a negative feedback tonight from someone claiming there was some fault in the item.  They never contacted me to discuss it, and didn't bother to take up my full refund offer that I give on everything I sell. 






wasn't that a pick up item?


didn't they insopect it before paying and taking it home?


might be a long shot, but I'd give eBay a ring, might be able to get that one removed. worth a shot.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 44 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

Yeah, it was pick it. We left the item out for them. I've sent a request to reverse the negative feedback through the ebay system, but I suspect anyone who is willing to leave a negative without contacting the seller to discuss what is supposedly wrong, and not choose to ask for a refund, is probably totally unreasonable and will probably just ignore my request.

I'm really getting sick of the whole selling process. Not only these issues, but just general annoying stuff from buyers. I just sold 5 items. I probably got asked about 15 times between them where pick up was. Despite me either including it in the description or adding it as a visible Q&A. And then you send people invoices with contact details and days later they contact you asking for contact details to pick the item up. I'd hate to regularly sell stuff nowadays. I just wouldn't be able to take all the sh*t. I'm going to be looking for other options to sell from now on, if they are available.
Message 45 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

We have raised it before but here goes.


A simple fine say $1 payable to E'bay with the non paying bidder's account suspended until they pay.

I can not see how this would put off genuine buyer's. I bid I win I pay and I have done it for the past 10 year's.

I know people have genuine reason's for not paying but if they are genuine buyer's they would communicate wouldnt they?

Instead of ignoring all communication's from the seller and E'bay.


I realise that some seller's could use this as a form of payback for neg feedback but if it's paid for I can't see it as a problem.


I believe this would deter people from making bid's on item's they have no intention of paying for.


I'm sure E'bay would be more serious about it when it's there time and money being wasted. (not that we have lost on our 2 non paing bidder's in our first 9 sale's, does giving it to your daughter to do the dishes count as a loss?)


Only new to selling and we are having a great time even with non paying bidder's. Thanks to everybody for their advice.


Message 46 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

@kobies_costume_jewelry wrote:

We have raised it before but here goes.


A simple fine say $1 payable to E'bay with the non paying bidder's account suspended until they pay.

I can not see how this would put off genuine buyer's. I bid I win I pay and I have done it for the past 10 year's.

I know people have genuine reason's for not paying but if they are genuine buyer's they would communicate wouldnt they?

Instead of ignoring all communication's from the seller and E'bay.


I realise that some seller's could use this as a form of payback for neg feedback but if it's paid for I can't see it as a problem.


I believe this would deter people from making bid's on item's they have no intention of paying for.


I'm sure E'bay would be more serious about it when it's there time and money being wasted. (not that we have lost on our 2 non paing bidder's in our first 9 sale's, does giving it to your daughter to do the dishes count as a loss?)


Only new to selling and we are having a great time even with non paying bidder's. Thanks to everybody for their advice.


I am pretty sure that for eBay to interfere in the performance of the contract between a buyer and a seller, it would be illegal.


eBay are not law enforcement nor are they a party to the sales contract.


It is for the courts to enforce contracts. to invoke penalties for non performance etc


at least eBay provide us with a free arbitration service for mutual cancellation of the contract or to at least recover our fees if the UID remains unpaid..


eBay would have to go through exactly the same processes as you or I have to in order to get paid. for example, if we don't pay our fees, eBay has to pursue these through legal channels, the same as we do.


eBay havce even implemented a tool to ensure that you do get paid. On a BIN, you can select instant payment. The item is not removed from sale until the item is paid for. It's not their fault that people do not avail themselves of this and follow a different business plan.


Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 47 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

How about this?:


Everyone has 2 weeks (or whatever) to leave feedback for an item.  During that time, any feedback left is not visible.  That way you couldn't get/give any revenge feedbacks.  After that time, all feedback becomes visible.  A user can still reply to any negative feedback they may have got, but their original feedback will stand.

Message 48 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

eBay need to address the problem of non-paying buyers who seem to be a protected species these days. End of story. A buyers history needs to be transparent just as the sellers history. NPB's can obviously be blocked and UPI's registered but this doesn't deter frivolous "buyers". . Seems to me that SELLERS are the ones who list an item for sale at a cost and are the ones who are being penalised. And please,let's not go back to the era when rogue sellers left unfair feedback....the wheel has turned full circle. Non-paying buyers should have a visual mark on their history.


Having stated all that...eBay will do nothing about the problem...isn't that obvious?.

Message 49 of 83
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Re: NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

I maintain that being able to neg buyers will do nothing to "fix" the problem of NPBs, or even buyers who exhibit what the majority of sellers would view as undesirable behaviour. I believe that because, while I was never a member of eBay until after the change to feedback, I am a member of sites where negative feedback can still be given to buyers, and the problem is just as common there as it is here. People who systematically do not pay for items do not fear negs - they do not fear consequences much, if at all, particularly ones of a cosmetic nature on a relatively anonymous internet profile, and where the alternative is doing something they have decided they can't / won't for whatever reason. That is, their reasons for not paying outweigh the possible consequences for not paying - almost always. 


The problem on those sites where buyers can receive negs is two-fold, because the sellers there are often like the sellers here. They do not educate themselves about the systems the site has in place to deal with NPBs etc until it's too late, then they want the system changed rather than contribute to the current system that's in place. For any system to actually work, people need to understand and use it, so near as I can tell, it's not necessarily a different system we need, but a different way of making sure it's used properly (by members and by eBay).


No system is perfect, but if we all spent as much time advocating the system we do have, and educating others about it, rather than spending energy lamenting a system that is no longer in place (and likely never will be again) what we do have would work infinitely better than it does now. I'm not suggesting discussions that share ideas about different ways eBay could do things are useless, what I am saying is that rather than saying nothing but "the current system is useless", advocate it so that it has a chance of working properly.


I do think there are some changes eBay could implement that would be of great benefit - namely, the cross-referencing of all accounts so that if a member is blocked via one ID, either by a seller manually adding them to a BBL or due to strikes, all of their IDs are automatically blocked, and definitely not overturning strikes unless there's a good, provable, reason. 


The cart that's slowly but surely rolling out to all accounts is a huge leap forward with this problem, though I recognise it doesn't help with auction listings. Aside from bringing eBay "up with the times" in so far as internet shopping goes, it makes it much more viable for many sellers to require immediate payment and completely eliminate NPBs, which is the only thing that will actually "fix" the problem - as long as an item can be purchased without being paid for, NPBs will be a problem whether they can get negs or not.


The cart automatically calculates postage discounts if they have been set up, the rate tables can make combined postage quotes a cinch for those that need to charge post by weight / volume, and there is an option from the cart to request an invoice from a seller for multiple items if automatic discounts haven't been set up - with that last one, I don't know if requesting an invoice will result in automatically purchasing the items as I haven't tested it yet, but I suspect it does because AFAIK a seller can currently only generate an invoice after items have been purchased - it would be neat if a "request quote" function was implemented that then applies to the items in a cart, though. 

Message 50 of 83
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