NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

It is high time that ebay reintroduce feedback options for SELLERS, other than positive - so that time wasting NON PAYING BIDDERS can be exposed!!   Any other sellers agree?....

Message 1 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

My paradigm works for me. No stress, eg.


Any visitor to the boards can see your paradigm.

Message 21 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

Knock yourself out with analysis then ...... 




It would almost be sad, if it wasn't so funny that anyone would claim such knowledge ... it is an ebay discussion board FGS .... bahahahaha

Message 22 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

Well I am getting sick of the situation as now I have had a third bid cancellation on the same item. It has also had a non paying bidder as well so instead of putting the money in the bank five weeks ago I have had to relist the item yet again.

This is now more than just a chance happening. It seems to be market manipulation or anti competitive behaviour to me and I can do nothing to warn other sellers.

It is restricting my cashflow, wasting my listing dollars and probably making Ebay extra dollars for the cost of listing fees paid by me.


I am not wanting to leave negative feedback as I would prefer to be packing items and sending them in the post.

I am not interested in villification or defamation. I just wantto sell things and put some money in the bank.


If somebody wants to play games why can I not warn others, especially when they have had 16 non paid items in six weeks (just the ones showing as positives) plus at least one from me that can not show up in feedback.


Message 23 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

if they have 16 non paid items and the sellers did the right thing and issued strikes and if you put your blocks in place, then you and every one of those 15 sellers would have been able to prevent this account from bidding on your items.



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 24 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

It is all so simple to make a glib comment like putting blocks in place.

I have never dealt with this customer before.


If ebay allowed negative feedback this person would not have been allowed to bid on my items as he would have had more than two negative ratings in the last month.

That would have saved a lot of time. But instead we go on with not hurting his feelings and wasting my time.

Message 25 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

it wasn't a glib comment.


I am not aware that we can block buyers with negative feedback, but I do know that we can block buyers with more than one strike for non payment.


If you have those blocks in place, then anyone with more than one non payment strike in the last 12 months would be blocked.


Obviously, the majority, if not all of those people who left him positive feedback saying non payment, did not go through the process of putting the blocks in place.


Each one of those sellers is who you should be cranky at because they have failed to protect their fellow sellers from this serial non payer.


I highly doubt that if those strikes had have been issued that they would not all have been removed, at least 2 out of 16 would have stuck, thus making you safe.


Your fellow sellers let you down, not eBay, not the system, but other sellers who did not follow the correct procedures.


It's as simple as that.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 26 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

I strongly disagree with your comments.

The Ebay systems have a process where you can block bidders with two negative feedback in the last 6 months which I have activated, but because we can not leave honest realistic feedback it is impossible for a buyer to have a negative rating.

As a result there seems to be a plague of non paying bidders who are negatively impacting on the income and cashflow of many honest sellers.


This is not a positive part of ebay.

And those who defend an ineffective tainted system are the true cause of the problem as Ebay is renowned for having ineffective rules to protect sellers.

Message 27 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

apologies, my mistake, I didn't know about being able to block members with a feedback score from -1.


But if you're going to put that block in place, how hard is it to put the block in place which blocks those with more than one strike? It's the same thing, yeah? Just one isn't visible.


Sellers' Failure to issue and report these scoundrels through the correct processes is what is "negatively impacting on the cashflow of many honest sellers"


It is sellers who refuse to operate under eBay's Terms and Conditions and who don't follow established policy and recommended procedure who cause the problem.


eBay have rules and procedures to protect sellers, but if the sellers don't follow those rules and recommendations, then naturally, they do not work.


Not only are sellers failing to protect themselves, but they are also failing to help keep the community safe for other users by not following the recommended procedures.


eBay is not your mummy or daddy, it is not their job to hold your hand and make sure that you follow the rules, that is up to each and every one of us who agrees that they are competent adults when they sign the terms and conditions upon joining.


Whether you are a buyer protecting yourself from a dodgy seller or a seller protecting yourself from a dodgy buyer, the key issue is being a responsible adult and trader and taking steps to protect yourself whilst following the rules and guidelines of not only eBay, but also the law.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 28 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

And now that you mention the law  there are many people who believe that Ebay rules do not stand up to scrutiny in Australian courts.


A friend of mine has been defamed about six times recently but can not be bothered starting action over 20 dollars worth of goods but it has affected his business.

And all he can do is leave an anonymous strike and hope somebody else does it. as well.


An honest negative feedback would be much more effective.

Message 29 of 83
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NEGATIVE feedback option for time wasting non paying bidders to be exposed?

@haolove13 wrote:



A friend of mine has been defamed about six times recently but can not be bothered starting action over 20 dollars worth of goods but it has affected his business.

And all he can do is leave an anonymous strike and hope somebody else does it. as well.


An honest negative feedback would be much more effective.


I don't quite understand that - If it has affected his business, isn't it over more than $20?


Damages and court costs can be payable if a case is successful, and a negative feedback on the buyer's profile won't do anything to get back the (potentially) lost business a defamatory neg on the seller's account will/may cause, so I can't see how it would be more effective?


Message 30 of 83
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