on โ01-10-2014 06:26 PM
Today I posted a parcel and when I went to send the tracking number to the purchaser I noticed that there was no postcode on the Aust Post receipt. Is that new?
on โ02-10-2014 10:16 AM
on โ02-10-2014 10:21 AM
on โ02-10-2014 11:49 AM
@wilk1149 wrote:
Thanks for the blatant put down there. I was just trying to help.
Harley wasn't giving you serve, she simply advised that you were incorrect, had the OP listened to your advice they would have had incorrect information.
We all make mistakes, I would rather learn differently than carry on blindly doing or thinking the wrong thing.
on โ02-10-2014 01:54 PM
I'm always happy to be corrected if I post incorrect information. A prime example is the thread from the seller who was selling a car and got charged fees, even though it didn't sell. Not having sold anything vehicle related for a few years, I wasn't aware there had been changes as far as that goes. As it doesn't apply to me, it wasn't a change I'd bothered to keep informed about.
I was corrected, I now know how it works now and I am happy about it.
on โ02-10-2014 02:00 PM
on โ02-10-2014 02:11 PM
on โ02-10-2014 02:11 PM
on โ02-10-2014 02:34 PM
on โ02-10-2014 03:00 PM
FGS - build a bridge...........
on โ02-10-2014 03:17 PM