No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

Today I posted a parcel and when I went to send the tracking number to the purchaser I noticed that there was no postcode on the Aust Post receipt. Is that new?

Message 1 of 27
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Re: No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

@wilk1149 wrote:
Being male I know that everything I say or do is wrong. Pity I'm still expected to do all the heavy lifting and other stuff that women seem so conveniently unable to do when they always say they can do anything a man can. At least in my ten years of digging graves by hand u never heard a woman say I was doing that wrong



I must have missed the post that said you were wrong because you were male.


I only saw the one that said your information was incorrect because....well, the information was incorrect. That's kinda not the same thing as you being wrong for the sake of it, it's a pretty black and white case of what's correct and what's incorrect.


Like, if I said the earth is flat, and someone came along and said "nu-uh, here's proof it's round", I'd be all like "hmmph, everywhere I look, it looks round, so it has to be round, you're just saying that because I'm a woman and want to keep me repressed by the patriarchy!!!", I'd make myself look like a bit of an idiot...not because my experience and outlook led me to a different belief, but because I turned it into a completely unrelated issue.




Message 21 of 27
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Re: No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

Message 22 of 27
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Re: No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

Would you prefer to be told that the information you have given is wrong/incorrect (whatever term you prefer) or would you rather find out that it is wrong/incorrect when you receive a slap from the Moderators?


Posting wrong/incorrect information on the boards is a reportable offense, in case you did not know.

Message 23 of 27
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Re: No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

Edited: reply meant for Wilk1149


Crikey someone needs to grow a set.................I am so sorry I offended you with saying your were wrong. I know some guys don't like having their egos bruised. I will be more careful next time.

Message 24 of 27
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Re: No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

@wilk1149 wrote:
Don't have a god. I'm a child of science.

well that certainly clears things up......


I just thought you were a little 'dim'


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 25 of 27
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Re: No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

"Posting wrong/incorrect information on the boards is a reportable offense, in case you did not know."

I didn't know that. The board usage policy applies to all the boards and that rule (if it is even in the board usage policy) certainly doesn't apply to a general board like Community Spirit.

This doesn't apply to the incorrect info given above

"Posting material about eBay or its related services (including PayPal) that eBay considers to be false, misleading or inaccurate."
Message 26 of 27
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Re: No postcode on the Aust Post receipt

Could you just confirm for me- If we send items using Ebay labels and bags, buy post online using paypal, we can get the postcode and tracking number to show on the lodgement receipt at the PO. Or do you have to buy your postage over the counter to get the postcode and tracking nos? Currently only get the transaction number but would love to have postcode too. thanks

Message 27 of 27
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