on 31-05-2015 03:24 PM
on 31-05-2015 10:17 PM
I have stopped buying stock, i only list up to my free allowance.
sales made no difference, sending to auction couldn't give stuff away.
Nothing makes a difference
The standard search i run to see how my items are showing in BM, plus total items in catagory, is showing a steady decline in total returns so others are slowing down their listing rate too.
The buyers are simply evaporating, along with all the other issues.
What I don't get is if sellers are starting their own sites and the buying public is now more comfortable using them, why would big retailers want to come to Ebay? They already have a profile and their own sites established. If the buyers are leaving where is the attraction for big box sellers?
Wish I had a crystal ball and count see into the future of online sales as it seems to be at a turning point. Nothing stays the same forever
on 01-06-2015 06:31 AM
My sales are also down 80% over the last month and I would not be supprised if ebay is throttling us smaller sellers.
In answer to your question WHY ARE BIG NAME STORES COMING TO EBAY.
Simple,they want to wipe us out and then they will pack up and go back to just selling on there own websites.Just like years ago when Coles and Woolies wiped out corner stores and butchers ect well now its the same only its on the internet
on 01-06-2015 06:42 AM
on 01-06-2015 06:54 AM
on 01-06-2015 07:01 AM
on 01-06-2015 07:47 AM
We have also cut down on buying stock. Only replenishment where we have to.
Due to two things...
1. Fear of being left high and dry (although to survive we need to sell somewhere)
2. The terrible exchange rate makes stock far more expensive these days.
on 01-06-2015 07:56 AM
It'll be a sad day when the big box stores are the only ones selling here which seems to be eBays' intention. I think this site has spoilt us, in that almost 100% of anything we would need can be bought here in the one place. It sure makes it easier than trawling all over the internet, or searching through the B & M shops for what we want.
on 01-06-2015 08:03 AM
Very true Falcon...
We find we can still look on ebay but if you find what you are looking for undoubtedly it will be a cheap Chinese knock-off that will take 6-weeks to get here and then only last another 6-weeks.
So increasingly now we try to find another site via Google search if we are looking for something serious. Even if ya can find it on ebay the price is likely to be higher than the other site anyway.
So even thos we are primarily sellers the amount we buy on the site is declining too.
on 01-06-2015 09:36 AM
I believe it's simply the fact that buyers are deserting EBay in droves.-clarry
I think you are probably right.
I was just thinking of my own buying patterns. I still buy a few bits and pieces from ebay & what I have enjoyed over the years has been the chance to buy from home sellers-to get things that may not have been in shops for decades or to buy home made stuff or get a bargain second hand thing. It's also been good for small shop type items-cheap ribbon etc
I used to do just about all my online buying on ebay and so did a lot of friends.
But now it is one of the last places I look, not the first.
Over the last week I have bought a few bed linen/blanket purchases, all from online sales sites. Today i wanted a mattress topper and I just googled the brand and looked at all the sites selling it, to get an idea of the best price. I found one on sale at $40 cheaper than most.
Belatedly I looked on ebay-none.
So my take on it is this: If ebay abandons or turns off its small sellers, which I think it is trying to do, they will kill off a lot of sales. People don't look on here first off for the major stores or for more expensive new items.
Rightly or wrongly, there are also perceptions that ebay is not as safe or as easy for purchases. I think that is why a lot of the new ebay policies have been coming into effect.
But there are a lot of other choices out there now on the internet so I guess it was inevitable ebay's slice would go down. I wouldn't buy shares in them.
on 01-06-2015 09:37 AM
Over it. I have closed my store and am running out my stock with auctions. I'm not going to be buying anymore stock. Fees are too high, for stores that want to do some auctions.