on 23-05-2014 10:42 AM
How many people have noticed in recent times since ebay took away our rites as sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers that do the wrong thing that the rise in non payment has staggered. I was also informed today that even tho we now only have the option to click on possitive feedback that we are not allowed to leave negative comments..what a joke!!!!! how does this protect sellers against timewasting frauds....What a disgrace!!!!
on 23-05-2014 10:58 AM
I couldn't agree more. The best one can do is click on positive feedback (the only option for sellers leaving feedback on buyers nowadays) and then leave a warning in capital letters to warn other sellers. If I see many such warnings on a buyer who has bid on one of my items, I will add them to my "blocked bidders" list. For fixed price items bought by such buyers with many warnings from other sellers, I will refer the buyer to the "unpaid item dispute" (U.P.I.) process if they do not pay within 5 days, and if they still do not pay within a further 4 days without contacting me re "mitigating circustances" (many of such 'buyers' seem to have serious health problems or have been in hospital recently. or suffered a recent bereavement...), I will close the case so that they will have an unpaid item case recorded against their ID and I will at least get a refund of the FVF, and will add their ID to my "blocked bidder " list. One can also set one's eBay to 'block' bids or fixed price purchases from IDs with UPIs, which gets around the 'repeat offenders'.
on 23-05-2014 11:23 AM
The funny thing is i clicked on leave feedback and left negative warning messages only to have Ebay tell me that if i do that im breaking their policies and would be subject to investigation myself!!!..They then proceeded to remove my warning on the non payers account!!!!! Dealing with Ebay is becoming more painfull than getting teeth pulled!!!
on 23-05-2014 06:29 PM
i think it was about 6 years ago. Certainly not recent in any cyberverse meaning. And definitely before the end of 2008.
Now you know why us no-nothings warn sellers NOT to leave negative positives - it can come back to bite you.
The vast bulk of listings on eBay these days are BIN. A significant proportion of the rest would probably attract most of their bids in the last few seconds/minutes.
A false positive for buyers in these case helps no seller vet a buyer, as they don't get a chance to. Whereas opening a NPB and giving the bidder a strike does. Plus, you get your FVF back.
on 23-05-2014 11:20 PM
I was pleasantly surprised last weekend seeing 7 items purchased by one buyer. I thought this was very strange as clothing purchased were different sizes and styles etc.
Within another 10 minutes a further 7 items were purchased by the one buyer!!!. I looked at the feedback left by other sellers and found this person did not pay for most items purchased! This was nearly $500 worth. All were buy it now
Of course I immediately sent the buyer a note querying whether they wanted all the items purchased and asked could they repond to me within 24 hours so I could organise to start packing etc... Of course got no reply. I then blocked this buyer on my account. The following day the same buyer bid on an auction item the same as one she or he had purchased as BUY IT NOW. I could not understand how this could have happened as I had blocked the buyer! Of course no contact made and no payment received.
I wonder if this type of thing has anything to do with Ebay being hacked?
Just very frustrating and time consuming for me. I have had buyers not pay for items before on a sinlge basis but never 14 items all purchased within 2 minutes of each other
on 23-05-2014 11:29 PM
Every issue is due to eBay being hacked, apparently. Even the ones that happen after the announcement that the hacking happened over two months ago.
I seem to be the only one who thinks that any nefarious activity was likely to have occurred BEFORE the fact was made public.
on 24-05-2014 01:36 AM
It used to be 2 strikes for non paying and they were suspended, but now they can have 6 -8 or more and just get a little warning from ebay. Usually after not paying us, they buy something else entirely, decide what they will pay for and what they won't, and ebay like them because at least they pay for some things elsewhere so ebay do not care as they are getting some fees still. Ebay is all about getting themselves money, not any hassles for sellers.
on 24-05-2014 02:13 AM
maybe the poster (that your reply was to) is trying to say that people are using it as an excuse....Apart from the blocking part, which totally debunks my theory.
on 24-05-2014 04:34 AM
It used to be 2 strikes for non paying and they were suspended,
What makes you think that? There has never been a set number of buyer strikes that meant automatic suspension. At one time is a seller got too many disputes found against them they got suspended but it was still a rarity even in what some people perceived as the good old days.
I have sold on ebay since before there was even an Australian site and IMO ebay has never been as good as it is now in many aspects and especially in regard to non payers. I actually get fewer now if viewed as a percentage of the items sold, 3 for each 6 month selling cycle is the norm and that is over 3 selling ids one a store selling new goods and the other two selling second hand clothing.
on 24-05-2014 07:20 AM
We have three selling IDs. Two are stores the other is a non-store.
Across those three we always have at least one UID case open. And we have our auto-blocks in place.
We have been selling for about 2-years now and I don't think the number of non-payers is increasing.