on โ01-07-2016 03:07 PM
Had a buyer who purchased an item BIN but didn't Pay, 1 Hour later purchased another item and pays straight away. I received a message this morning asking to cancel the first order as she has a new account with ebay and will buy the item from the new account. I canceled the sale with the option Buyer Requested To Cancel. Now under her new account she has purchased another 4 items BIN but not the original item and still has not paid for any. This Buyer on her original account had a FB of 2 now increased to 4. Advice please should I block her? Should I let it ride? After 4 Days I Will if payment is not received open a NPB, This all just seems a bit suss. The buyer is in Adelaide SA Smithfield Plains.
Why would someone open another account with same details to drop back to 0 FB from 4??
Thanks for any info
on โ01-07-2016 06:49 PM
I hadn't checked my logs for awhile. I checked a few days ago. The same buyer had hit all 3 accounts. My larger account she hit each item 3 times before moving on. She'd tried to bid on (I think) 26 different items. I would have given up after the first few.
Then she moved onto the other accounts. The second account was also tried 3 times per item. She tried to bid on 9 different items. The new account she tried 4 different items.
I kind of got a bit of satisfaction seeing her hit on 3 different accounts. Mught make her realise there are consequences for not paying.
on โ02-07-2016 09:27 AM
@*tippy*toes* wrote:I hadn't checked my logs for awhile. I checked a few days ago. The same buyer had hit all 3 accounts. My larger account she hit each item 3 times before moving on. She'd tried to bid on (I think) 26 different items. I would have given up after the first few.
Then she moved onto the other accounts. The second account was also tried 3 times per item. She tried to bid on 9 different items. The new account she tried 4 different items.
I kind of got a bit of satisfaction seeing her hit on 3 different accounts. Mught make her realise there are consequences for not paying.
a bullet dodged there me thinks.
amazing something that works in the sellers favour for once.
one wonders how long before ebay messes it up by increasing the numbers of times a seller can fail before the penalties kick in.
on โ02-07-2016 10:57 AM
I opened an UPI a few days ago on my newest account, which was due to be closed tonight. I sent the lady a message last night (16 FB) asking her if she was planning on paying for this item. I also said that if she'd changed her mind that is OK, but she needs to let me know. I said that if the open dispute closes, she will find her ability to buy from a lot of sellers difficult and and will have a black mark against her account. If she accumulates too many of these black marks, eBay will stop her from buying altogether.
I then went on to say that sellers don't mind if buyers change their mind, you just need to let them know. Ignoring it won't make it go away. I said that if she was having trouble paying or needed more time, then that is OK too, but let me know before the dispute closes. Once it closes, that's it.
I sent that message a bit after midnight. Within 15 minutes I got an email, she paid! Hopefully I put the wind up her enough whereby she won't take 7 days to pay for something in future, or at the very least, contacts the seller in the event of a payment delay.
The same buyer I mentioned above has hit all my accounts again. Maybe she thought it was a glitch that she couldn't buy last time so is trying again (altbough the previous hits were over several days). I wonder what message they see? It would be great if it was something like "You're a bad, bad, bad buyer, this seller doesn't deal with bad buyers. Norty buyer!".
โ02-07-2016 11:32 AM - edited โ02-07-2016 11:35 AM
on โ02-07-2016 12:33 PM
@imastawka wrote:
I know, cos someone on here took a dislike to me and blocked me - go figure
Only one person? You're an amateur Stawks....I have p***ed off at least 4 sellers that I know of.
on โ02-07-2016 12:41 PM
on โ02-07-2016 04:14 PM
I don't know if I've pished off any sellers on here because I've not tried to buy from any! I'm guessing there would be some that would have me on their list, although given this is a posting ID, I have my trading ID's up my sleeve. Most of the time I don't know what people are selling because I don't look (unless their username sounds like they might have something that interests me, or if someone asks members to look at their listings).
on โ03-07-2016 08:55 AM
@imastawka wrote:Nope.
Unfortunately it just says 'This seller is not accepting bids/offers from you at this time'
At this time makes them think.........hmmm maybe if I try again............
I know, cos someone on here took a dislike to me and blocked me - go figure
I had a buyer late last year who told me she got a message saying she was unable to buy from me because she had too many unpaid strikes. She claimed it wasn't true but I ignored her because in her first message she pretended she didn't know why she was blocked, and her second message made a lie of the first one.
My point is that it appears that if they're blocked because of too many unpaid strikes they're told exactly why, and they probably just get a generic message for other reasons they may be blocked. My items was BIN so perhaps it's different if they try to bid on auctions. Being a good girl myself, I've never had one of these messages so I can't speak from experience.
โ03-07-2016 10:18 AM - edited โ03-07-2016 10:18 AM
โ03-07-2016 11:31 AM - edited โ03-07-2016 11:31 AM
imastawka wrote:
I know, cos someone on here took a dislike to me and blocked me - go figure
Only one person? You're an amateur Stawks....I have p***ed off at least 4 sellers that I know of.
All that made me laugh, but surely not many sellers would block a person simply because they didn't like them on a messageboard.
If there was something to indicate they were bad payers or always gave negs, that might be different.
But hopefully like/dislike doesn't come into it, it should just be about does a buyer pay up promptly without hassles.
I can think of *another* reason a person might start up a different, new account a couple of days after opening one.
Could be they didn't like their user name & fancied a better version.
All the same, there would be no reason they couldn't pay for any purchases under that original name and then just move on. That's what i would do, anyway.
My advice would be just to go ahead and open unpaid item disputes for anything not paid for, whatever account it happened to be.
No cancellations.
And yep, I would then block any of my bidders who made me issue unpaid item strikes.
Tippy, it sounds as if you did dodge a bullet with one of your buyers.
Ebay's message that the seller is not accepting bids at this time is fine as far as it goes, but it doesn't go far enough.
It would be more helpful to buyers if (where possible) it then detailed a reason, such as eg-you are outside their selling region, or -you have exceeded the seller's unpaid item total over the last 12 months.