OMG I almost fell off my perch!

I just noticed something weird on our second account.

Our funds (as you know) have been on hold for 21 days.  I went to check on an echeque that we've been waiting on as we want to post as soon as we can, only to find that we have a notice underneath it saying "funds are available"

No - the echeque hasn't cleared.

Opened paypal to find there are NO holds on ANY of our funds (some sales were only today)........
Well... I almost weed a little.Smiley Embarassed


Quick! Go check your pending funds please and tell me it's more than just us.

Message 1 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!


QUICK MATE !!!!!!   Before they change their mind.   Someone may have pressed the wrong Button.  (good on ya' treasure):cathappy:

Message 2 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

I am STILL looking at it gobsmacked.  I want it to be true for EVERYONE.... 

Message 3 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

In this case I would say every man for himself.....withdraw your funds before they realise they pushed the wrong button.Smiley LOL

Message 4 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

That may be very sound advice Lyndal!!! LOL

I am hoping against hope that someone else will come on the thread and say that it's happened to them too!
I haven't yet fulfilled all the necessary requirements on that account, and fully expected to be waiting until the 10th of January for all the bs to stop.

Hmm... off to make a withdrawal ๐Ÿ˜‰

Message 5 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

I think it is a bit late for most of the "normal" sellers to be around the boards.

There are only a few of us mad nightowls from Sydney around after midnight and a few from WA.


You may find you are innundated in the morning though.

Message 6 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

Ahhhhhh I always just assume that everyone's a nutter like me, until someone points out differently lmao

Queenslander here!

Message 7 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

Aahh!  A banana is cq-tech and I noticed him flitting around a few minutes ago.

Message 8 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

There's only two states to be in - Queensland and Drunk. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Withdrawal done on your advice hehhe

Message 9 of 79
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Re: OMG I almost fell off my perch!

That comment will get no argument from me, treasuress, I can assure you of that. Smiley LOL

BTW, I've just realised that 4207 is your postcode, which makes us virtually neighbours. Smiley Surprised

Message 10 of 79
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