on 17-07-2013 07:31 PM
I am apparently a bad seller, I both live in Australia, and have the audacity to use the world's largest auction site to list *auctions*.
A couple of years ago, while Ebay Australia still charged auction sellers 59 cents for gallery (the only English language Ebay site that was still charging any sellers for gallery, and possibly the only Ebay site in the world), I received a phone call from Ebay to say that I would be financially penalised if I continued to list auctions. Not that long after that fairly heated hour long international phone call, Ebay Australia actually removed the gallery fee, while other fees remained higher (but viable) for auction listings, and exposure was reduced as a measure to discourage appalling sellers like me from listing auctions. For example, only fixed price Australian listings will now show on the UK site, and there is now no way that an Australian seller can list an auction that will show in the default search in both Australia and UK (good auction sellers in the USA and UK can do so) so competition and prices are reduced on rare collectable items that are desirable in both Australia and the United Kingdom - thus as part of the punishment process, prices are kept lower (and Ebay collects lower final value fees).
This, I was told, was being done because my customers do not like me listing auctions. This is sort of backed up by the fact the fact that I have not been able to lift my detailed seller ratings (the star rating in feedback) for more than 12 months. They appear to be stuck on the unsatisfactory 5.0 / 50%. Along with other bad sellers I did get a negative feedback in May 1999.
In May's fee restructure, Ebay Australia conceded:
"The new fee structure recognises that Auctions are important in the Collectables category. Unique to the Collectables category you can also enjoy free Auction listings as part of any Store Package"
In this context collectables include: Dolls & Bears, Antiques, Art, Coins, Stamps, Pottery & Glass, and of course Crafts and Craft Supplies.
Items that I have the arrogance to sell in auction format, that are not deemed to be collectables include: Sports Memorabilia, Entertainment & Movie Memorabilia, vintage car and agricultural manuals, etc. Thus my $10.00 start auctions in these categories have had their listing fees tripled in an effort to discourage me from listing such non-collectable items in the auction format. (Yes, it is my fault for not foreseeing this 300% increase in listing fees when I bought stock of this nature prior to April)
Other items where the policy suggests that auctions are being discouraged, because they are not considered to be collectables include vintage & antique toys & games, vintage clothing, vintage cameras, vintage electronics, antique pocket watches, vintage and antique jewellery, music memorabilia.
And to highlight my ignorance I am at a loss to understand how "Books, Magazines > Antiquarian, Collectable" doesn't qualify as a collectable category, but sure enough the penalty listing fees are applied to these listings because collectable books are not deemed to be collectables....
So, for clarification, what is the difference between collectables and memorabilia? And is it really a sign of an unsatisfactory seller to auction old memorabilia or other antique and vintage items that do not have a standard retail price?
Regards & Frustrations at having my business steadily dismantled by my one of main business suppliers after 15+ years as a paying customer, Kevin
on 17-07-2013 08:06 PM
As a regular buyer from Kevin over a long period of time ( on other Id,s ), I can vouch for his excellant service and interesting items he regularly lists. It is very dissapointing to see the effect eBays new fees are having on sellers viability and to the general moral of all in the eBay community. With the regular 100 & 5000 free listings offers ebay is throwing around like confetti, suggesting the whole system is pretty sick, maybe it is time for ebay to accept the recent changes hav,nt worked and revert back to the old system and fee structure. While they are at it maybe take an honest look at the obvious problems the best match system is causing.
on 17-07-2013 09:44 PM
As a long term member you would know that eBay staff generally don't use the boards.
As such, I assume your post is a vent, and will treat it accordingly.