on 28-08-2019 10:33 AM
How much trouble would it be to highlight text in product reviews that is supposedly offensive or against guidelines?
This would make them a lot easier to correct in real time.
on 28-08-2019 11:36 AM
Quite difficult for anyone here,who are simply fellow buyers and sellers
on 28-08-2019 12:42 PM
on 28-08-2019 08:43 PM
I think the OP meant words and phrases that prevent the review from being published, which are often innocuous and difficult to find, rather than the kind of offensive words that get bleeped.
on 29-08-2019 09:21 AM
And when eBay run the last few letters of one word and the first couple of the next word together and call it a 'rude' word
So if one were to write 'the pen is leaking everywhere'
eBay would consider that 'offensive' as it picks up 'pen is' as diddly-whacker
on 29-08-2019 10:02 AM
on 29-08-2019 04:40 PM
You HAVE led a sheltered life.
on 29-08-2019 05:09 PM
on 29-08-2019 05:58 PM
Chuck Berry reckons it's a ding-a-ling