on โ14-09-2014 01:54 PM
Been pondering the implications of the seller performance standards that are not so explicit as the DEFECTIVE Defects
I would welcome other sellers thoughts (prefer no hysterical rants please) on the implications of the very, very low minimum performance standard re paypal disputes decided in a buyers favour where there was no seller resolution.
It would seem there is little to no buffer to protect sellers from scammers and makes preparing well evidenced paypal submissions against a claim even more important, as your ability to sell is truly under significant threat.
To meet our minimum standards, you can only have 2 transactions (or 0.3% of transactions) resulting in cases closed without seller resolution over the most recent evaluation period. The percentage requirement applies after the account has exceeded the maximum number of occurrences.
on โ14-09-2014 05:30 PM
awww...fanks ...
Nothing more needed to do if you print out eBay labels as they upload automatically - and that is even better as eBay should be able to quickly look and see that goods were sent within stated handling time.
Give them a call tomoz, and remember if you don't get satisfaction with the first CS rep you speak to, request to speak to a supervisor.
on โ14-09-2014 05:37 PM
MB I not to sure about the reports as 7 of my defects don't show on my report either.
If you get the congratulations from eBay ~ I reckon CONGRATULATIONS !!! it is then
on โ14-09-2014 05:58 PM
Hahaha, well that's what I've been trying to convince myself too, however, I have a feeling that the defects are somehow flying under the radar and will or could ultimately have an affect. There seems to be too many bad things happening to good Sellers lately, so it all has me more scared than ever. I mean some of these Sellers are so knowledgeable - I would have thought if anyone has the ability to avoid these suspensions etc, they would have, so what hope have I got !!
on โ15-09-2014 09:57 AM
Thanks : )
I called eBay this morning ..waited about 35 mins to get to finally speak to someone ..She said she understood bla bla bla but at present the ONLY way to get defects removed is if the buyer has left a neutral or a neg ..which they didn't with me . Just glowing FB then dinged my stars ..with no prior contact with any issues even though requested to do so in the note I always send with each parcel and an out line of how the star rating affects sellers .
The rep did say (guess to keep me happy ) they are aware of this issue especially for top rated sellers like myself bla bla and are looking into getting this changed though ..maybe ..maybe not ..who knows !! Meantime I will keep giving the best possible service I can ,which includes gift wrapping all my sales, popping in a thank you note and posting as quickly as possible with a tracking number .Off to the PO ..Cheers : )
on โ15-09-2014 10:02 AM
Whoops : ) I replied to you under my other id miastyle4u* .thought I had changed it : )
on โ15-09-2014 10:26 AM
Isn't it weird that it depends on who you speak to as to what answer you get. When someone gave me a glowing positive, then dinged my stars, eBay told me to ask the buyer to contact them and say they had made a mistake, could the feedback and DSR be removed and they would remove it. It had to come from the buyer.
Now they're telling you the complete opposite.
I think it should be so changed that if you leave a green dot, you can only leave 4 or 5 stars. I guess that's asking a bit much though.
on โ15-09-2014 10:32 AM
CS reps can indeed remove those defects that are eligible for removal. Unfortunately many seem to be untrained and unfamiliar with most eBay policies, let alone newer ones.
The defects you seek removal for do not need to be associated with a neutral or negative feedback.
"Sellers may request the removal of defects that we haven't automatically removed when they followed selling best practices and they believe the buyer experience did not have a defect."
My advice is not to ring back today due the long wait that would be associated with the eBay outage, but ring again and request to speak to a supervisor and seek removal again.
If they do not assist, request to speak to someone who has authority in these matters.
When you speak with them point out the eBay policy regarding defect removal.
on โ15-09-2014 12:12 PM
Thank you Cats , I will definitely call again tomorrow. At least they were able to tell me the id of the buyer so I was able to add them to my special list ..Cheers : )
on โ15-09-2014 12:17 PM
Well at least that is something
For anyone who hasn't seen it the defect removal policy is here http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/defect-removal.html
I find directly quoting from eBay policy to CS reps tends to fluster them and they then seem more inclined to escalate