Postage and people complaining about cost

It been really eye opening reading so many people complaining about postage costs. The thing that gets me there must be alot of sellers running business like selling but NOT abn registered. If they were your postage is FREE no matter what it costs. As all postage costs are a tax write off for business. Just something to think about
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Postage and people complaining about cost

@jwsm_oz wrote:

No one complains about fair postage... gouging is another thing.  When sellers and eBay do the wrong thing,  it just creates more suspicion and loathing towards the platform.


There's so few items listed now,  and what is available barely gets a bid let alone a sale.  So I would think,  eBay's treatment of sellers,  gouging on fees (incl. postage),  dodgy sellers and high postage rates... is reducing trust in the product.


First thing I check is postage rates... and if they are high or suspicious... That's a NO SALE.





Not sure why you dragged up an old thread, but can you substantiate the claims you make about only a few items listed, or is that just to justify your story.


Why do you believe Ebay are gouging on fee's,  fee's are declared upfront, and havent gone up for years.

Message 71 of 72
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Postage and people complaining about cost

@andrew0123 wrote:

Well, GST is a tax that makes it very hard for seller's to become millionaires. You could explain to people how it's logical but people don't like taxes. 


So does that mean I can't claim GST on fees as a deduction on my tax return? (i'm also on a disability pension and need to hand in a profit loss to centrelink for the first time and my first tax return in many years).


I like detailed answers digital ghost. I think the issue people have with GST on fees is that ebay do not pay taxes in Australia. 


In all seriousness if people are genuinely interested in becoming millionaires, the easiest way is through long term property investment using negative gearing. Shares ( long term share investment ) is too unpredictable and your investment is basically in the hands of a few corporate cowboys.


Share trading can be OK but you are directly competing with large corporate traders who have access to information and trading programs that give them the edge. Single share traders need to concentrate on small niche investments that the big boys cant trade in. You can win big, but it is just as easy to lose big too.


Ebay ? It is probably possible to become a millionaire, but for 99.999 % of sellers it is going to be a very long term proposition and involve A LOT of sales. My aim on ebay is to sell a million dollars worth of stuff before I give it away. I,m well on the way, but that is gross sales, not profit and it will still take me around another six years of ebaying to hit the million dollar sales target at present sales rates.


Long term property investment on the other hand is a walk in the park compared to the other options mentioned. Buy and hold and use the long term growth in equity as collateral to buy more property and hold. After awhile the portfolio starts to snowball and in times of rapid price growth such as we are seeing at the moment, a balanced property portfolio including commercial and residential property can make huge gains giving very favorable debt to equity ratios..

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