Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

If there is an Australia Post rep out there then can you please explain to me why Aust Post is ripping people off with postage cost as I have been ripped off many times now and all I get for an answer is sorry but you are wrong.For example I have just been ripped off today,I went and posted a letter with registered postage and it weighs 35 grams and when the postal worker placed it on the scales it came up as 246 grams which she then charged me $1.40 instead of $0.70 **bleep**???????.The letter did not weigh 1/4 of a kilo! The scales are totally out of wack and the post office knows this and I am sick and tired of being ripped off.I remember years ago when Coles in my local area tampered with their scales to make things weigh more and they were caught and fined for it,I have a feeling that this is what is happening with my local post office?

I think that I might have to carry my own scales with me when I go to the post office from now on.

I don't mind paying for postage as long as I am charged the correct costs but to be totally ripped off like this is just very unfair.


Message 1 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

Some of the operators of LPO's can be quite dodgy in my experience.

They are also very often not up to date with AP pricing policies.

This matter however is quite serious implying, as it does, an outright fraud but  there are a couple of options open to you:


1. Fair Trading in most states is responsible for weights and measures these days - make an official complaint.


2. Contact Australia Post and make a formal complaint via phone - 137678 or email via the "contact us" link on their website.


You should probably do both.

AP have area supervisors who's job is to keep LPO's in line.

Message 31 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

Yes I will be doing that first thing Monday

Message 32 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

Thank you every body for all your replies they have all been very helpful

Message 33 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

Here's another Licenced Aussie Post Rip Off


Correct weight, right postage, payment all ok. The guy behind the counter rights the postage on the envelope eg $1.40 and puts it on the back counter saying "Thanks, we busy, I stick the stamps on your letter for you later, Next!"


Out you go. How much postage gets on the letter. That's right 70c. a clear 70c profit to the postoffice and your letter is underpaid.


Happened to me, posted a letter to myself to prove it.

Message 34 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

@stampingpaws wrote:

Here's another Licenced Aussie Post Rip Off


Correct weight, right postage, payment all ok. The guy behind the counter rights the postage on the envelope eg $1.40 and puts it on the back counter saying "Thanks, we busy, I stick the stamps on your letter for you later, Next!"


Out you go. How much postage gets on the letter. That's right 70c. a clear 70c profit to the postoffice and your letter is underpaid.


Happened to me, posted a letter to myself to prove it.

That's entrapment...but good on you for thinking of it.  lol

Have you reported it to AP?   

Message 35 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

Changed Post Offices

Message 36 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

I don't know if my local PO/agency try to rip people off. But I am tired of their sour/unfriendly attitudes.

One day I stood outside 'stewing' for about ten minutes wondering whether to go back in and ask

them if I have offended them or do they just find us customers a nuisance in general. I think I have

the choice of saying something to them - or reporting them but what would I report them for? And

who do the LPOs have to answer to - are there any guidelines re customer service/treatment of



I seriously try to minimise risk of copping 'attitude' by being friendly, say please/thankyou, have

things ready to go (often prepaid)...not to mention I stand outside and only go in if there is nobody

in the queque or only one or two people.....Not sure what else to do.....


This is my local PO, within 10 mins walk and I am kind of stuck with it if I want to post on a

regular basis.....or go back to my 'old' Post Office but that would only be once a week (weekends).

Message 37 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

I got ripped off today sent a letter by australia post today under 200grams and it cost $7.60 when it should have cost $2.00. they sent it as a parcel instead of a letter. be careful everyone!

Message 38 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

More fool you - IF it was under 2cm packed.


It is, however, not a generic AP thing, and doesn't really warrant dragging up a 4 year old thread.

Message 39 of 58
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Postage rip off-Post office ripping me/customers off

Just because it was under 200g it does not follow that it was a letter.

How thick was it?

Message 40 of 58
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