Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

Can people let me know how they send coins, banknotes and bullion overseas from Australia when Australia Post totally prohibits it.


please see extract from Australia Post Website


Coins, bank notes and bullion

In addition to this list, we won't deliver bullion, bank notes or coins in any international services. This includes all Australian notes and coins, the bank notes or currency notes and coins of any other country and coins made from precious metals, whether or not such coins have a denomination..  

This prohibition applies even if the destination country does accept valuables at their end.

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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

probably best to post this on the /coins and Collectables board.

I'm guessing you will need to use a private courier company.

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~~ ~~ ~~ Those who do right, have nothing to fear.
Message 2 of 12
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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

As you found out, it is illegal to send, by way of post or courier, Au currency overseas (money laundering issues you see) and also the government doesn't get their slice of taxes from it when its overseas. Good luck finding a courier that while ship it overseas for you.

Money can be transferred to overseas bank but there is also a limit on the amount.

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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

Honored Contributor

I see you are selling collectable coins, which I presume are the coins you want to post.

The Australia Post ban does not apply to collectables only to current usage coins.


The Royal Australian Mint still uses AP to end coins sold online. They also use Toll Priority and Toll Fast for more expensive items and faster delivery.

The Perth Mint also uses the same postage methods, and Australia Post themselves send online coins purchases using their own services.


I would suggest ringing AP and asking what documentation would be needed to send collectable coins...stressing that they are collectables not current use issues.

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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

Community Member

Hi Lyndal,  Can you please advise where you get this information for the collactable coins being void from currency being posted.  As I have shipped some high value coins to Australia and in turn they have lost them and they are saying I can't claim as they are prohibited.  But they are ancient collectables which I sent recorded delivery.


Your help would be much appreciated in my claim process from Royal Mail who are trying to shaft me!


Thank you Simon Hall.

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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

Honored Contributor

Simon, I buy coins direct from the Royal Australian Mint and the Perth Mint and they mostly arrive in the mail, although occasionally they come with Toll Priority or Toll Fast.

I have also bought coins from the UK and they were sent through Royal Mail and delivered here by Australia Post.  They were also fully documented for Customs purposes.


I suggest you have a look at Prohibited Items on the Australian Customs website...I am not aware of any recent changes but it does not hurt to check before going in boots and all.

Also, if you check the Perth Mint and Royal Australian Mint shops they tell you what shipping methods they black and white for all to see.  And they do sell to overseas buyers so it puts paid to the post office argument that you cannot ship coins overseas.  I might add that Australia Post also sells coins in their online shop and sends them using their own service.....check their online shop for that incriminating bit of info too.


By the way, are you aware that Royal Mail and paypal are now saying the ISF is no longer an accepted shipping method for paypal seller protection?  Apparently it has a signature but is not online trackable.  Airsure is trackable but has no signature...and is horribly expensive.


Good luck with your claim.

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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

I have read before that collectables are exceptable but reading what they say it seems you can not. I dont think they prohibit it but they just dont insure it, I dont really know.


So how can the Perth MInt and the other one send gold insured?? I know they have to be under $20000 shipments or something like that.








Message 7 of 12
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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

Honored Contributor

Nobody said the Royal Australian Mint or the Perth Mint insure their shipments Dylan....but they are registered.

Don't know where you get the $20,000 limit...are you thinking of a paypal claim limit?  That has nothing to do with Australia Post or either of the Mints.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

i want to post 10 australian kookaburra coins to germany $1 dollar i oz silver coins

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Posting Coins, banknotes and bullion overseas with Australia Post

Maybe ask your question in a new thread, rather than one that is EIGHT years old. When AP policies were probably different.


In the current COVID circumstances, I wouldn't post anything oversea, especially to Europe. The rules for distance selling are quite onerous, and a day late would see your buyer legally able to claim a refund and keep the items.


If selling on this account, you appear to be a new seller. Scammers target new sellers who generally don't understand the rules/pitfalls of online selling.


This assumes the buyer is actually in Germany, not some other country wanting the item shipped to Germany.

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