Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

hi, a buyer has recently bought quite a few clothing items from me , some ver bulky eg jumpers, jackets etc ..


she said i couldstuff & crush them as much as i wanted & use a beer carton .. thing is i explained its not the packaging a/post

goes by the weight & dimensions of the package ..


i squashed them into a large satchel i recd from target just to have them weighed ..they came to just 5kgs with the post office mans finger supporting the bag ! :)) but they wont fit into a 5kg satchel ! .. i havent sent the invoice yet as she knows im trying my best

re the post for her, she is home with a spinal injury, but i would do the same for anyone ..


i did purchase a BX4 label online on the 9 may to beat the weight restrictions starting on the 13 .. but afrter calculating the post

she will be charged , or worse me, if they dont accept it , $125 , i am hesitant now to use that label on a box i have. i phoned a

p/office who told me 'oh yes thats what people do' when asked if i can use my own box but it wouldnt stand up in court  😞 ..


i have thought to possibly just try 2 x 5kgs satchels for them but dont have one to test ..they dont look all that big either ..


any thoughts appreciated ?



Message 1 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

so if I am in create a listing and they are my options, what d9o I select if i wantg to use a box?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 11 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

just the parcel post one and put in your own price, is what I do - thanks for the chocs

Message 12 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions


Here. See if this chart makes it any easier to work out the postage costs. It does my head in trying to work out postage so l made up the chart that is easy to glance at.

The rates for C&S's section will change if you apply for their Business 250 Discount but you'll have to apply for it, use their branded satchels (not the eBay ones) and you need an ABN.

The eBay label prices show in brackets, the purchase price of the satchel. This can be gotten a little cheaper if you purchase your satchels in bulk.

The C&S site dosen't have B4 flat rate boxes anymore.

Hope that helps a little. It's changing times that we live in!!!

Message 13 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

wassa matta?  didn't like my chart?   Smiley Very Happy

Message 14 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

just want my chocs, I bet

Message 15 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

I got more LOLOL


chocolate frog.gif

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 16 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

and i hate change - except if i buy a bottle of milk and proffer a $50!



Thanks folks!


You're the greatest!

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 17 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

and did you lick that one?

Message 18 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

not telling

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 19 of 35
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Re: Posting a lot of clothes to one buyer ?? best way suggestions

@*crikey*mate* wrote:

the best you can do is package them in satchels I guess and charge her for as many as it takes


but seriously, a Bx4 box for $125? i thought they were flat rate about $16? or diod we lose the Bx4 flat rate> regardless,  $1265 for 5kg seems like a lot?


Have a look at the ebay labels - we get discount through there


or what avbout a courier/


i just got a 18kg huge wooden thing and two other things too, from Melb to Qld for $70

hi, thanks.. sorry i didnt explain very well..late night brain fuzz 8{ ..its not the weight its the bulk of the items. the jacket doesnt
weigh much but it is long & bulky as is parka.

i paid for the B4 label from ebay labelling, only on 9 may ,not the box, as i saw mentioned on the a/post website the weight allowance before the changes on the 13 may were 15kgs for all box sizes!  i had phoned an a/post branch & the woman there told me i could use any box i had as long as i attached the B4 label. still i had my doubts if it got down to her word against mine.

the box i have i was going to cutdown to fit the clothes..i then used the a/post calculator re my box's meas & the cost by surface mail for it was $125. it was my concern if they did not accept the B4 label on my own box then they would use this calculation to charge me for it.

i guess i am worrying too much about the cost of post but just trying to keep it as low as i can as they will need about 3 5kg satchels as they are.

i was thinking of opening a post for people to sign to send to a/post requesting a 10k satchel for bulky soft items.

i heard today they are bringing in a 1kg satchel that will be great.

thanks for your help with this . 🙂

Message 20 of 35
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