Posting clothing.

Hey guys,


I'm looking to see what is the cheapest way to post clothing from our store for example T-Shirts to save money on fees and packaging, Any tips would be greatfully appreciated.



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Re: Posting clothing.

I always place clothing in a ziplock bag first then if the item can be flattened out enough to fit through the large letter slot on my AP guage (you can get one from your PO) I will send it as a large letter, if it is a cheap item I will probably just send like that and risk having to refund if the buyer says they haven't receiived it, if it is more than I am prepared to risk then I send it registered large letter.


For things that won't go as letters I use click & send with the ebay branded satchels.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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Re: Posting clothing.

Vacuum packaging is a good way to send clothing articles.  Can then be sent in envelope for letter rate.  Doesn't need extra taping or cardboard to keep rigid which also keeps cost of postage down. 

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Re: Posting clothing.

Phorum Junkie, Ebay should be utilizing your expertise either in a tutorial or as required reading before clothes sellers are permitted to sell -- at least in my opinion.  Little darlings who cite eight or nine dollars to post a flimsy chiffon scarf could learn a lot from you, and might generate a few sales for themselves.  Most potential buyers scroll right past them because who on earth is prepared to spend up to ten dollars in postage for a thin scarf when it could have gone -- as you've said -- as a letter?  Sure, it's easier to dump everything, no matter how light-weight, into a satchel.  And sure, they might have expected to make a killing on ebay and so purchased three dozen satchels in expectation, after which they want to use those satchels.  But with life the way it is and with half the Aussie workforce unemployed or underemployed - and with utilities costs and basic foodstuffs going up every week -- people are watching every dollar that leaves their purse


Many sellers will claim they make nothing from postage and fair enough.  What they're failing to appreciate is that potential buyers DO include postage as part of the cost of the item -- because it is, from the buyer's end.  So a cheap little shirt might only reap the seller three dollars, from which they must pay ebay and Paypal.  But at the seller's end, that cheap little shirt they might have considered to wear around the house on a hot day will end up costing them $12 or more dollars when postage is included.  So potential buyers hit the Back button, because in retail stores they can buy a brand-new shirt for the same or less money and in their choice of colour and size with potential to get a refund.  The seller wonders why the 'cheap' little shirt hasn't sold.  Maybe it would, if the sellers employed your methods.  I mean, would the seller buy their own shirt and pay $9.00 postage?  Would they consider it money well spent if their 'cheap' little shirt was delivered in a half or third filled pre-paid satchel?


Anyway, hope lots of sellers read your post here, because for some reason things are returning to the days of no-measurements and automatic use of pre-paid satchels regardless of item size or weight -- and you can watch them passing through without a bid, hundreds in a row 

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