Problems with postage payments

Yesterday, I had a buyer select Sendle at checkout. Then somehow they paid $2.50 for the service, rather than the advertised amount of $9.50. Of course, I went and checked the amounts displayed in the listing, and it was definitely set at $9.50. How the buyer managed to give himself a $7.00 discount is somewhat perplexing.


Then, just now I've sold another item and the buyer has selected Sendle at checkout. The amount set in the listing is $7.95. This time, the buyer has somehow managed to give herself a discount of $3.95, and only paid $4.00


I'm not really happy about my buyers being able to give themselves an unauthorised postage discount. Is this happening to anyone else? Is it just my listings? Is it just happening to the Sendle option? 

Message 1 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

At the risk of going off topic, I will respond to your misguided opinions. Yes, Sendle is cheaper than AP - fact. Yes, Sendle offers a far better service than AP - fact. Yes, Sendle is a zillion times more reliable than AP - fact.


No, I don't save any money by using Sendle, and to suggest as much is quite laughable. I don't know how your business model operates, but my buyers actually pay for their chosen delivery method. Whichever service they select is entirely cost neutral to me, and I honestly couldn't care less which service they prefer. That's their choice alone to make, and really of no concern to me. However, if ever asked which service I think is better, I will most definitely give Sendle the highest recommendation. They've earned it, and they thoroughly deserve it.


Now, this thread isn't about which delivery service people use, or prefer, or why they make that choice. Nor is it a platform for your predictable Sendle bashing, and/or attempts to bully others into your line of thinking. It's about buyers paying an incorrect amount for postage. I'd thank you to remain on topic.

Message 11 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

I dispute your 'facts'.


I also dispute your claim that me stating 'Don't use Sendle' is Sendle bashing. Sendle is a courier broker, not a courier, so the nuts and bolts is what courier they subcontract for a particular delivery and how well that goes for the buyer. Not well, according to many buyers.


I use AP and have had very few issues.


However your issue seems to be with eBay Plus and eBay's application of express postage.

Message 12 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

In the listings, you offer express service via sendle and AP, as you are offering these services, I would assume that it is irrelevant  if you are located in an area covered by an express service guarantee or not.

In other words an express service is available  but is not covered by the delivery time frame guarantee.

Message 13 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

I am 50km from the OP. Our area is NOT in the guaranteed express network. While postage is usually overnight to Sydney, both regular and express, it is minimum 2 days to anywhere else via express. It can take 4-5 days to get something to Darwin or Perth via express. Same with FNQ.

Message 14 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

I don't offer express services, as I am outside the guaranteed service.  On occassions I do have buyers request express even though it is not guaranteed.  Have had express items take 10 days from   Qld to Melbourne.

As a seller you can send  express from anywhere,  there is just no guaranteed delivery time frame.

Message 15 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

@lezned-toycollector wrote:

At the risk of going off topic, I will respond to your misguided opinions. Yes, Sendle is cheaper than AP - fact. Yes, Sendle offers a far better service than AP - fact. Yes, Sendle is a zillion times more reliable than AP - fact.


From my experience both in Perth and in SW WA Sendle has been woeful in their deliveries, maybe where you are they are OK, but I will never buy from sellers who insist on using them.


They will use the cheapest possible couriers - usually Couriers Please or Fastway (Aramex) - with their own problems like almost non-existant customer service and lousy tracking updates (if you actually get any at all) etc.


AP isn't perfect but it's certainly a hell of lot more reliable than Sendle for me anyway.


To sum it up Sendle has been a 100% fail and AP maybe 1% or less fail.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 16 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

Express post guarantee is still not back and one of the reasons is due to less passenger flights. Maybe Aust Post should inform the airports of this.๐Ÿ˜€

Message 17 of 18
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Problems with postage payments

It looks like  only the buyers address has to be metro,


Express postage contribution

When an eBay Plus member buys an item from your eBay Plus listing, they'll get a free upgrade to express delivery if they're in a metro area (some category exclusions apply).

To help sellers with the additional costs of express postage, eBay contributes up to $2.50 for items up to $15, and up to $4 for items over $15. For example, on an item over $15, if you're charging $2 for the express upgrade, we'll cover $2. If you're charging $7, we'll cover $4.

From 8 July 2022, if an eBay Plus order includes multiple items, the express postage contribution will be applied once per SKU, rather than per item, with a maximum of 2 contribution amounts per order. For example:

  • On an order for 3 identical printer cartridges, we'll cover up to $4
  • On an order for 2 identical cartridges and a mouse, we'll cover up to $8
  • On an order for 2 identical printer cartridges, 1 mouse and 1 USB stick, we'll cover up to $8

The express postage contribution is applied automatically when the buyer pays for their order, and for many sellers this will cover the cost of the express upgrade.

Message 18 of 18
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