Problems with the automatic (3) free re-lists coming off the 150 free listings

A search of the boards shows that this was an issue 2 years ago. it is happening again.


I accepted the offer of 150 free listings that commenced a few days ago, and for me was to run until 30 June. I have listed about 35 new items, and when I went to check today how many I had left, discovered I had none! Supposedly all 150 had been used.


The number showing how many have been used is a live link, and when I had a look, I saw that the items were existing listings that when they were relisted, were being taken off the 150 free listings.


So I got onto live chat - I don't really know why I bother, as whoever Shobhit was, he/she simply could NOT understand what my problem was. We went round and round in circles. Below is an example of the sort of reponse I was getting:


"Regarding your concern, I would like to inform you that this promotional offer will get apply on the item those are listed with time duration Good Till cancelled".


Is anyone else experiencing the same issue of their free relists being taken off the 150?

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Re: Problems with the automatic (3) free re-lists coming off the 150 free listings

Community Member

Has always been that way. How to use it to your advantage has been discussed at length in lots of previous threads.


It's not fair and many people have contacted ebay about it and it has never been rectified.

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Re: Problems with the automatic (3) free re-lists coming off the 150 free listings

@pnc75 wrote:

Has always been that way. How to use it to your advantage has been discussed at length in lots of previous threads.


It's not fair and many people have contacted ebay about it and it has never been rectified.

I don't agree that it has 'always been this way'. There have been a number of promotions in the recent past e.g. end of April, end of March, where I have not had any of the 150 free listings being taken by the free relists. Like so many things on ebay, it is hit and miss.

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Re: Problems with the automatic (3) free re-lists coming off the 150 free listings

Then you're very lucky, because according to past threads, they have always come off the 150 for the rest of us. It's only the 150 freebies, not the other offers.



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Re: Problems with the automatic (3) free re-lists coming off the 150 free listings

It's always been that way for the 150 freebies. No amount of complaining makes any difference. It doesn't happen with the 100, 200, 500, 1000, unlimited promotions, only the 150, 2664 promo. As mentioned, there have been workarounds mentioned each time it has been brought up.

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