Pros and Cons of changing user ID

I would be interested in people's opinion on changing my seller ID to be the same as my store name and to better reflect my brand.  I set the ID about 10 years ago when I was just selling personal items, but now have an established brand and business.


Are there any negatives if I change my username?

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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

I don't think you can have the same name on 2 different accounts (someone will correct me if I'm wrong).


Try changing it to your store name and I think it will come up as  ' name not available ' or 'name in use' or something like that.

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

I've been contemplating the same thing for a few months, for exactly the same reasons. My user ID on my store account is a little more... abstract, I guess Smiley Very Happy So doesn't resemble much at all except some song lyrics I really liked at the time I joined. Smiley LOL


The main reasons I haven't changed the ID is because after 30 days, no one will be able to find me by searching for my old ID (repeat customers are a really big part of my business, so I'm loathe to do anything that makes it more difficult for people to find me, even though my store name would remain the same and is more likely to be what people search for), and because I've seen more than a few threads on the boards where members seem to think a user ID change is somehow suspicious, even though nothing on the account changes in anyway except the name, and ID history can be displayed via the feedback profile. 


Eventually, I'll probably just go 'stuff it', and change the ID, probably during a peak time so that as many people as possible might notice the change. 


(Re store name and user ID matching - it can be done, but you have to do it in the right order as eBay will block a store name from being created that's the same as a user ID..... or maybe it's vice-versa Smiley Surprised Smiley Frustrated Sorry, I can't remember for certain which way it has to go). 

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

Digi, if your repeat customers are following you on "saved sellers" the ID change will automatically be updated there, I had one of my saved sellers change his ID around 6 months ago and that's what happened.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 4 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

True, although one of the sellers I follow changed their ID too, and when I saw them in my list of following I thought "who the heck is that and why have they appeared on my followed list?" Smiley Surprised Smiley LOL (I did figure it out, after checking what they sell, but nearly deleted them without doing so as I thought they'd popped up there from an old eBay search or something). 

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

That is my concern also.  I have 130 followers and another 37 signed up for newsletters.  I can send out a newsletter to the 37 letting them know of the name change and I would think my followers will click to the name change as I refer to my store name and logo on every listing and in all correspondance.  I don't subscribe to the view that a name change is suspicious as it alters nothing.  Also the name change ID thingie disappears after a month I think.

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

I've often thought of changing my Ebay username (I don't have a store on ebay) Some years back I had lots of regular customers for the antiques & glassware I sold back then; So it never seemed like the right time to change. I've poor sales here now; So maybe a change will be good for me too?


The name I use for QS is already taken by an old unused USA Ebay account & it now has more connotations to a recent movie of the same name (Maybe why my sales are up on that website?)


I keep thinking I should change; But ultimately keep on procrastinating!



Message 7 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

When you change your ID it will change everywere including feedback and if any one has you saved as a fave seller it will change there as wll.

As the changed ID symbol will show for 30 days if any regular buyers are looking for you and they see changed ID symbol they may click on that to see you are the same seller with the new ID.


Edit: sorry padi I did not see all the posts till after I did mine.



Message 8 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

@*sparklz* wrote:



Edit: sorry padi I did not see all the posts till after I did mine.



No worries sparklz.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 9 of 14
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Re: Pros and Cons of changing user ID

(Re store name and user ID matching - it can be done, but you have to do it in the right order as eBay will block a store name from being created that's the same as a user ID..... or maybe it's vice-versa Smiley Surprised Smiley Frustrated Sorry, I can't remember for certain which way it has to go).


Id first, then you can have the store the same name. 

Message 10 of 14
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