Re: Defimation of character

Community Member

Right, I now have solid ground for defimation of character against ebay and any buyer that has left negative feedback whether it be in the positive, neutral or negative feedback check box.

Any one whom has previouslt contacted a lawyer willact as an indepented witness and is asked to please contact me.


eBay beware Australian laws.

...... this just aint America.

Message 1 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

Legally, it's not libal (written/published defamation) if the statements are true and correct.  In other words, if a buyer leaves you negative feedback because they haven't received their item or it is not as described (for example), and you can't prove otherwise - you won't have a leg to stand on.

Message 11 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character


Message 12 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

I know a big seller who sells here, there and on their website.


On here they sell over 900 items a month, on there they sold 200 in 18 months which is not much at all


Over 18 months, this is 200 compared to 16,200


If you put everything into a business and just stay on QS, you will go bust quicker than you can blink

Message 13 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

Community Member

You are a very strange person - sorry, but you come here bad mouthing eBay all the time, then ask why we think you don't like the site? Then you tell us we are not sticking with it and giving it a go, yet you yourself are running off to another site, and trying to take others with you. The fact that there has been no positive response to this thread at all should surely give you the hint, that you are a complete fool and regardless of your long winded rambling (I chose the work rambling because it makes no real sense) you do not come across as being the full quid. You think you are dazzling us with your knowledge, when in all honesty I would have to say you are the dimmest witted person I have ever seen posting on here. Spelling and grammar aside, you are just plain boring

Message 14 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

teddie - you obviously know something the rest of us don't, therefore I would ask you to explain how and why a defamation case would be successful, rather than just insisting it can/will be. In other words, prove everyone else wrong, rather than insist (without substantiating the claim) that they are.

Also, with the existance of a feedback removal process via a defamation claim, perhaps you could also explain what laws eBay are breaking by A) allowing people to say what they want, but B) allowing people to defend against defamation and have such comments removed.

Message 15 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

it's not defamation, it's libel

Defamation encompasses both libel (written defamation) and slander (oral defamation).

Message 16 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

Yeah, you're right - defamation is the description of the action, and slander and libel are mediums.

Message 17 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

Teddie my dear fellow,


The consumer laws in Australia are there to protect the buyer AND the seller. Go and protest outside Maccas if you like because you do have the right to do so. But the minute you interfere with other customers is when the law can act against you.

Also, if you look into the Australian Constitution you DO NOT have any legal right to free speech as it was never written into our rights.


Now onto the Feedback gripe you seem to have. Feedback is a policy of eBay that gives every person the ability to communicate their shopping experience, positive or negative, as do many other Traders across Australia. Now if all these traders thought as you do then a lot of consumers would be causing defamation against their company. But alas, such is not the case for the very reason that the company asked for the feedback. The same applies to all sellers/buyers on eBay, by agreeing the the terms and conditions of using the site. Sorry, but by you agreeing to these terms/conditions you waiver any right to hold eBay or the feedback giver to any type of slander/defamation case because the feedback is a personal perseption only.


Now we have that sorted out, lets look at the rights of eBay against you for continuing to cause threats of law action. This is an AUCTION site and thereby under the guidance of a different set of consumer laws. Unless you have the proof that eBay (or any other company for that matter) is actively encouraging others to single you out amongst the other 50-60 million users of eBay, they would have an extremely strong case against against YOU for defamation of the eBay company name.


All your Forum posts could be used against you to their defense of encouraging defamation against you and the table would be quickly turned against you for trying to discourage use of this site and also trying to encourage others to use a different site. That is against the law my friend, so tread carefully or bring the lawsuit to fruition, which i doubt would hold water in any court of law anyway.

If you like i can give you the phone number of Erin Brokovich....

Message 18 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

Community Member

Standing ovation bsal6160 - so very well said !

Message 19 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

Community Member

The consumer laws in Australia are there to protect the buyer AND the seller. Go and protest outside Maccas if you like because you do have the right to do so. But the minute you interfere with other customers is when the law can act against you.

Not trying to stand out in the but I think teddie is saying it does interfere with other customers is when the law can act against you.

And there is some truth in that

Message 20 of 44
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