Re: Defimation of character

Community Member

Right, I now have solid ground for defimation of character against ebay and any buyer that has left negative feedback whether it be in the positive, neutral or negative feedback check box.

Any one whom has previouslt contacted a lawyer willact as an indepented witness and is asked to please contact me.


eBay beware Australian laws.

...... this just aint America.

Message 1 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

teddie - did you get a negative positive for not paying for the anti virus softare you purchased? Is that why you are so upset?


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 41 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

might just add as well, when i signed up with eBay I was under the impression that i had just as much right to leave negative feedback for the buyer as they were for me, and that is what i agree to when i signed up with eBay, they still have not fixed it in there How feedback works section


nawty - you only signed up a week ago, eBay policy regarding negative to buyers - it was changed about 4 or 5 years ago


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 42 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

I do understand you D*G and it makes sense.

as you said how ever, Given that, have you asked yourself why, in over a decade of operation, no one has (to my knowledge), successfully challenged (in a legal capacity) the feedback system and the way it currently operates?

eBay use to once upon a time not so long ago allow sellers to leave neg feedback aswell, there for the seller could defend their character by warning other sellers of this buyer and how they may leave neg feedback with out making contact.

why not maker s strike system for sellers and remove feedback altogether, that way if buyers want they can select to not see lisitngs from sellers whom have X amount of strikes.

From what I understand you to be saying, leaving a negative for a buyer that has left a seller a negative is a way for a seller to defend their character, and that by removing the capacity for sellers to leave a buyer a neg, a neg left by a buyer can now be construed as defamation merely because you don't have the right of retaliation?

I have to disagree rather emphatically, if that's what you're saying. Putting up a comment about the character or practice of another person, i.e. saying that they are a bad buyer who doesn't contact before leaving a neg, doesn't say anything implicitly about your own character, therefore does not defend it.

However, the feedback you leave for others can be a testament to your own character, and many here will tell you that they used to avoid sellers that left negs for buyers just because they had received one. And what of buyers who have left a negative after contacting the seller?

I'm not suggesting a buyer leaving a neg without contacting the seller to resolve the issue is ok to do, but at the very least you can defend against that by leaving a reply to the FB, which appears underneath the neg comment of your profile, not on the profile of another member. So if your primary concern is how your character is perceived by other members, you need to display your 'defence' where they will actually see it.

Message 43 of 44
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Re: Defimation of character

Teddie, learn to spell.





Message 44 of 44
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