on 04-04-2013 12:46 PM
on 04-04-2013 12:46 PM
Sorry. Not adjusted in my favour
on 04-04-2013 01:05 PM
You can not stop them taking the payment.
The amount will be credited to your account and if you are not going to sell any more then you can ask ebay to send the money back to your bank account.
But if you going to continue selling then your account will be in credit and any further fees will reduce your credit amount.
on 04-04-2013 05:12 PM
I often have credits from a previous months sales showing on the next months invoice. It happens when the credit is applied after the fee month has 'ticked over'
Nothing to be done, you just have to wear it and get it credited to you next month.
on 04-04-2013 05:27 PM
Thanks for the info. I am not a large seller so the credits for me are a waste of money that I need today not in the next few months. i had 3 idiots purchase my motorbikes and a car who all disappeared. All happened within days and also on a re listed bike Don't think I should have to pay the credits which are due
on 04-04-2013 06:01 PM
Make sure you put the NPB onto your blocked bidders list manually ... your NPB has bid with seven different sellers in the lasdt 30 days and probaly done the same thing
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Trail Bikes 1 Seller 1 2d 6h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Road Bikes 1 Seller 2 1d 11h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Classic, Collector 2 Seller 3 14h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Road Bikes 1 Seller 4 1d 21h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Road Bikes 2 Seller 5 2d 23h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Classic, Collector 4 Seller 6 1d 6h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Scooters 4 Seller 7 3d 21h
The non paying bidders have caused the OP to pay $135.00 in FVF fees that are not due.
The OP now HAS to relist his items on ebay to use the credit that ebays NPB created.
That totally sucks.. if the bikes sell elsewhere the OP will be in credit to ebay till hell freezes.
What a rort
on 04-04-2013 06:13 PM
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Classic, Collector 1 Seller 1 11h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Classic, Collector 3 Seller 2 6d 18h
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Scooters Seller 3 5h Cars, Bikes, Boats >
Classic, Collector 1 Seller 4 1d 1h
The second time... 3 days later same bike another different NPB bid on the Ops bike
they have bid on 4 others and won one other
Nup no problem with non paying bidders in the motors section..they are perfoming handsomely
on 04-04-2013 06:27 PM
Op I would not normally advise this but if you process you payment manually and you do not intend relisting the items on ebay then I would not pay.
The worst they will do ( i believe) is suspend your listing/selling ability later in this month and if you can put up with that till the end of the month then the credits will appear on Aprils account and counteract the fvfs for the items that are in dispute and you can pay the remainder.
You could try contacting ebay but I dunno if that will help
on 04-04-2013 07:57 PM
Hi tried to go into my account and make a one off payment. It won't allow me to change payment options or change bank accounts or even delete accounts until they withdraw what's due. they have really know how to get their moneywhen they trap you like this
on 04-04-2013 10:34 PM
Did you actually read what sparklz said.....if you are not going to sell again you can ask ebay to send the credit to your bank account. They do not hold onto it forever if you just ask.