on 19-08-2012 11:02 AM
I am closing down.... I wont get free listings on this ID but I can use my hubbys and my other ones. I will go to the other site...just made $30 on there and sent two 3 kg bags of books off. Its slower yes but its a good place to park my listings while I use the free ones.
I was going to close down at the end of the year anyway...my health is not good and I cant keep on. This way, it will slow down for me and I can relax a bit.
I dont buy my items wholesale...I am not a business...so I actually make very little. Its always been a hobby for me, a way to pass the time because I cant ever go out to work again and I was bored with just reading, watching telly etc.
Now I havent the energy. I think the fee hike is an insult...sorry ebay but thats what I think..>You have raised the store fee twice since I opened my store but THIS TIME its a huge increase and we are going to all feel it.
Why are you not loyal to the hobby sellers too? I know I have made you and paypal a lot of money over the years off every single thing I have sold here.
I am sorry but I am going to the other site. I cannot take all this holding out your hand for my precious dollars anymore.
I have nothing against ebay, I just have something against all the fees... on the other site its FREE to list and you only pay 2 % FVF.
Ebay has millions of people paying fees and I dont beleive for one second that ebay cant afford to give us a break . Why get us all to open a store and then say, sorry, we want business people, not YOU to own a store.
If you look at my feedback I have had barely a complaint, its all been good so its not like I and others like me are not delivering good service.
Sorry about the long ramble...I have just had it so in two weeks, I am closing. All my titles of all my items are going to say that too.
So goodbye to the good customers who have ebayed with me, it was fun while it lasted. Since I was made a powerseller, without even asking if I wanted to be one, i cant have the free listings...so.... I will not be using this one again it seems and its a shame when I have built up my feedback as i have. Another thing I am very sad about.
Some of you can afford to keep going, but I cant.
on 20-08-2012 07:38 PM
Waves back to Judy.:-x
Most of the sellers were ex ebay anyway.:^O
on 20-08-2012 08:05 PM
I thought Gumtree was owned by eBay anyway.
on 20-08-2012 10:35 PM
Under our real usernames, today we closed 4 ebay stores. Each specialised in something different.
We are unable to pay the increased monthly fees. increased final value fees, increased paypal fees.
We feel that we are not part of anything worthwhile any longer.
ebay don't care about smaller sellers that offer something other than the cheap plastic tihs from china. It used to be good to look through the listings when it really was like a whole lot of garage sales or market stalls with lots of surprises. But now it's just like amazon or westfield and the sad thing is that ebay management don't care.
The ceo gets his $10.5 million per year whether we're here or not. He can't be bothered replying to any correspondence.
So we're going to try the old oztions site - whatever it's called these days and trademe and tradingpost and see how that goes.
Thanks all for your words of advice over the 11 years.
Good luck if you choose to stay.
Thank you for choosing to close your ebay store. Your reference is below
Email reference id: [#54ae4e01918a4d0ab1daad31f0a9bea7#]
Email reference id: [#0c1e85ca6f984d1481fcc6b52d54daee#]
Email reference id: [#67rc561e85hj6f984fe148fci62d54acav#]
on 20-08-2012 11:26 PM
yachts.... why don't you just combine them into one store?
You have different sections in each.
on 21-08-2012 12:48 AM
Good luck with everything beani.
Re other places not having alot of traffic/buyers,its a case of if people do not give things a go,then these other places will not grow!
Corny i know,but true.....
To get more buyers they need more sellers & they need to advertise!
on 21-08-2012 10:20 AM
HI everyone..I am trying to work out if the person who used the word shyster was referring to me.... hmmmmm..
Anyhow, sometimes i am lucky and have good sales...but I have been lowering my prices so its just not worth it anymore. Six months ago I did much better and thats at full price for some things.
Yes the market is flooded with cheap imports and knock offs and huge booksellers who offer free shipping...hard to compete with them.
I dont want to pay $50 of my money in fees ...its that simple. On the other site, I offered a 50% sale..thats why some of my books went really cheap...it was only for a day here and there. Then a lady came after that sale...and bought at full price. So in three sales I did okay. Better that money in my pocket than the books sitting on my shelves for months. But my FVF fee was only 2%.
I think if is use hubbys Id and my other ID I can have my free listings and sell slower.
YES its time for me to put my feet up. I have so much to do and since coming out of hospt....not the energy to do it all. I am crocheting a blanket for each of my nieces, I have a book to edit for publishing, I have another one to finish writing... I have family to catch up with...theres so much in real life to do.
I am looking forward....not backward....from this moment on
May I just say, to those who think I am not making the right decision.. each person has to weigh up for themselves what they think is worth it. You cant judge another person for deciding differently to you. There is a lot going on in a persons life and sometimes decisions are made for one reason or another that may not have been made just 6 months earlier.
Okay, thanks for your thoughts, it has been interesting. I am a person who will always make the best of what they have...and me and the other site will do just fine.
Thanks guys and gals :-x
on 21-08-2012 11:48 AM
"May I just say, to those who think I am not making the right decision.. "
I wish I could just walk away too right now and will very soon .. especially after hearing that we will soon be getting free listing policies shoved down our throats .. I would imagine the threat there is that ebay will hide our lstings from buyers again unless we give free postage and invite them to return articles for any and every reason, .. .. ie. eg. need fast money? why not return this item you bought on ebay 3 weeks back? .. the seller doesn't mind it is in there terms of service and they invite this type of buyer abuse .. how nice of them .. .. most of us are fed up and are heading towards the door .. good luck with it .. what we have is a situation where the competition is near to non existant and both ebay and Auspost have decimated most all the businesses that have been exclusively aligned with them .. thus profit margins are going down rapidly while theirs goes up rapidly for supplying less and less service at higher and higher cost .. enough is enough .. I wound up my inventory based business on ebay over 6 years ago and now operate as a commisioned reseller for people who are dumping inventory and collections and who are also looking for the door .. all this diabolical policy changing may in fact increase demand for my current ebay operation but this free listing thing has got me stuffed and will be the final chapter of any enterprise based business on ebay for this black duck .. the free listings have been good for offloading a bit of clutter about the house but all the limitations there are ridiculous too .. eg open an account to take advantage of them and find that you are restricted to 10 items a month .. so much for 30 free huh? .. anyway good luck with it all .. but this place just makes me sick and am in no mood to be forced by ebay to pander to buyer remorse a month after sale so that I need to refund them and then go and chase the original seller to recover fees and then resell the same item over and over again .. in fact my clients will not tolerate this type of insanity so I will obviously need to back out before that particular policy concerning free postage and generous returns policies is put in place .. I have insulated my ebay operations so that I am no longer buying inventory and am merely liquidating for others so will be easy for me to stop on the drop of a dime but feel for others who have made a substantial investment in ebay and Auspost as sales partners as the future for Australian telemarketers and mail order businesses is very bleak and obviously all the corporates are onboard with ebay so we have bugger all chance of seeing any new enterprise auction sites emerge for the Australian market .. it is funny because only yesterday decided to buy a little inventory to sell via ebay and now this .. jeez I am glad I didn't buy a lot of inventory as this free postage and abusive returns policy will make selling through ebay far too risky and am not in the mood for ebay policies to force me to pander to the needs, wants and lack of finances of DHs looking to return an item to get some fast money etc etc ad infinitum .. it is understandable to refund for other reasons related to item description and condition but this latest policy change has me genuinely worried .. most people will be good but that 1-3% of DHs will now make ebay selling unbearable and will envourage them to ruthlessly disregard the sellers even though their obligations are fullfilled .. so if that is what ebay calls improving the buyer experience I want nothing more to do with that side of their policies and will retreat and in all honesty the sales here are so slow and the competition so fierce and the value of collections is going down by the day so more and mnore people ahve stopped buying and sellers are no longer restocking inventory so this would be a good time for many Australian ebay sellers to prepare wind up your ebay selling operation .. if you are based in china then go for it ebay and Auspost are happy to compensate you and pass all costs onto us dumb fatted cattle Aussies .. if you are selling "over there" good luck but as far as I am concerned they too have carped in their own nest and have given good reason to not even bother with them .. suffice to say that the moment that other place was gathering steam they upped the fees to ridiculous levels and destroyed 50% of their user base .. they then lowered fees in an attempt to attract sellers (and buyers) back but it was too late and many went from selling 100s of items a year to one or 2 which is not worth our time to even bother with them any longer.
on 21-08-2012 12:00 PM
"but this free listing thing has got me stuffed" ..
sorry that was meant to read as "but this looming free post and overly generous returns policy thing being shoved down our throats by ebay has got me stuffed" .. my brain is now near to gone haywire dealing with all the constant policy changes fee rises and default best match conditions on ebay .. it is time to retire from this insanity and let the chinese take their rightful place ruling the roost here on ebay Australia .. it is only fair as their are 3 Billion of them and everyone of them neds Australia Post to compensate them by charging us fatted cattle aussies more and more for postage .. there is only 25 million of us so understandably us Aussies deserve to be treated like garbage ..
on 21-08-2012 12:03 PM
what we have is a situation where the competition is near to non existant and both ebay and Auspost have decimated most all the businesses that have been exclusively aligned with them
It's not true that eBay don't have any competition. They have a lot of very tough competition, the only trouble is individual sellers can't join their ranks and post their items on the sites. These sites offer the same or similar terms and post-sale service that eBay are now encouraging their own sellers to adopt, but I agree it's very shortsighted to think that by culling sellings who can't/don't adopt those terms will achieve what they want - i.e. retaining the lion's share of the online market. If every online site provides X, then to attract buyers you need to offer something different, and the variety is slowly being bled out of the site with every unique, small seller that shuts up shop.
This bothers me greatly. I can withstand the fee increase, but I am disheartened by how many of my fellow sellers can not - they may technically be my competition, but the more sellers that go, the less buyers there are that will be attracted, interested and - most importantly - excited by what's on offer on eBay in general.
Australia Post is a slightly different issue - their charges are so high because of the ever-increasing overseas purchases, which they then have to deliver for pretty much nothing, which has become a viscious cylcle of huge losses with an attempt to recover them via price increases.
on 21-08-2012 12:39 PM
For goodness sake! When things are great, the world economy is running fine, and there is money to be made for everyone, we congratulate ourselves on how wonderful we are at business and investment.
But when there is a down turn and money is harder to make, we blame everything and everyone else and argue everything should stay the same because I am not making the money I used to.
Here are the facts about selling anything anywhere. The economy is like a large pendulum on a clock. It’s always moving. For quite a few years now it’s been as far as possible to the right, people have had a large disposable income and happy to paytop dollar.
Now the pendulum is moving to the left and suddenly people are concerned about where they spend their money, so they tighten things up.
For a business to survive the most important thing needed is a business plan!!!
eBay has one, you can bet your boots, this is why they are increasing fees and always trying new things, so they can keep getting better and bigger specialising on what they do. Your business plan, and quite a few others I have looked at, involves reducing your market exposure. WHY???
Don’t shut your shop. Go back to basics and look at how to consolidate. Look at your competition and how they are doing and what improvements you can take from them to incorporate into your own business. What can you do to attract more buyers? And so on.
Now if you are stopping because of bad health is one thing, but quitting because you are not running your business properly is not a smart choice.