Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same huge down full in sales this Christmas from previous Christmas's? I am feeling that it is all due to the Big Retailer's over discounts?

Message 1 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

I too am in the same boat


very stressing as this is my main source of income


oh well looks like the new year will see me getting a real job lol


looking forward to it has to be less stress

Message 11 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

Yes we sell baby headbands and wearable accessories. I'd say we are about 30% down compared to Oct-Dec last year.
This is despite having almost double the listings.
We had been hoping that adding in Etsy and our own website during the year would have plugged the gap, but not so.
For almost half way thru the tax year it looks like we are overall down around 25% down compared to last year.
Message 12 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

Yep, here too. Easily down 50% on last year. Very depressing. Been like that for at least the last two months.

Message 13 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

@clarry100 wrote:
Yes we sell baby headbands and wearable accessories. I'd say we are about 30% down compared to Oct-Dec last year.
This is despite having almost double the listings.
We had been hoping that adding in Etsy and our own website during the year would have plugged the gap, but not so.
For almost half waythru the tax year it looks like we are overall down around 25% down compared to last year.

Well, I guess that is an indication it is not only eBay, but also as you have added both during the year, I guess it takes a little while to become established and 'known' and build a reputation also.  That said, hopefully 2016 will see steady increases in sales for you on the other platforms  Smiley Happy

Message 14 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

Community Member

Yep, down about 25% on last xmas.


Message 15 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

Ebay has been slow but I have had some very good sales on gumtree this month it's more work as I have to relist manually 100+ items a month but I have a good sytem so each relisting only takes a couple of minutes and with no commision on gumtree it's worth while

Message 16 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

@mbselections00 wrote:

 That said, hopefully 2016 will see steady increases in sales for you on the other platforms  Smiley Happy

Yeah we are certainly hoping that too.

We are trying stuff now to get the presence of both of them up some.

Message 17 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

Good luck, I hope you are very successful as you have put in a lot of effort and deserve to reap the rewards.


I think I need to make a couple of New Year's resolutions Smiley Surprised


This was initially meant to be a supplementary income, which I was hoping to build to become more full time, but it isn't even supplementing much at the moment.


I think I must set aside the time to do what you have done Smiley Frustrated but I do find this place alone can be very time consuming and worry I'll end up getting myself in a complete mess.


Am part way through the application process for a real job (as my hubby would call it, even though he thinks I'm mad even applying at my age, & he's probably right !).  I'm through the first round, but next stage isn't until February so will have to be patient on that front.





Message 18 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

I had 4 sales for the total weekend


I think I was only visible in some parts of Victoria


one on Friday to VIC postcode 3934

one on Saturday to VIC postcode 3988

two on Sunday to VIC postcode 3980 and 3803

Message 19 of 48
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Re: Sales down a lot this Christmas from previous years

We had 9 sales over the weekend where our average is around 25.
Message 20 of 48
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