on 14-05-2013 08:58 AM
I have been a regular seller on e-bay since 2000 (yep 13 years) and I have never seen sales so critically low. The lack of sales combined with the increase in e-bay fees / paypal fees etc looks like after all these years time to finish up with with ebay and back to selling at the local weekend markets.
on 29-05-2013 10:50 AM
I have read most of these posts and also looked at what some are selling but say sales are down. Most seem to be aimed at a niche market with a finite number of buyers.I agree with some other comments. Before you blame Ebay entirely look at the financial facts of life.
1 )In general,people are worried about the rising cost of everything and weighing up the cost of necessities against the cost of something they can do without.2 ) Australia Post has gone up again and anyone with any sense factors in the postage cost to the cost of the item.3 ) Where I live(in Melbourne) even the Direct Factory Outlets (and there are a few) are half empty with few customers except at weekends. They also started selling at virtually retail shop prices - again doing themselves out of business 4 ) On line shopping is now the way to go and it is very easy for customers to make a price comparison . 6 ) Fashion for anything comes and goes,I used to sell depression glass but still have a lot sitting in the shed as it has gone out of fashion. For anything I sell I look at similar and watch to see what prices are obtained before I list.I have a load of a brand a friend has asked me to sell for her but it would be a waste of time as they are not selling at all. I respectfully suggest that you sell off at markets and re assess what is selling now and go for that, but be prepared to move on to something else when interest wanes.
on 29-05-2013 11:09 AM
bluelillypilly-that is an awesome post & so correct.Just brilliant :-x
on 29-05-2013 11:10 AM
What on earth has that got to do with being advised it is against board policy to mention other (competitors) sites??
This is a forum - forum rules apply.
eBay (fakes etc) that is eBay - eBay rules apply so report any suspected fake sellers to trust and safety, there is nothing we can do about it for you and as Foxy said you are not following advice given anyway.
on 29-05-2013 11:11 AM
Sorry - my reply ^^^^^^^ was to Post 38 (fitzroy)
on 29-05-2013 11:18 AM
Well, it is MORE then price hikes by both ebay and Australia Post....it is MORE than people tightening their belts......MORE than the state of the ecenomy.....MORE than items being out of fashion.....MORE than the end of the financial year.....MORE than a Federal election looming.
The 2 major reasons have been posted on these forums for weeks in various threads.
1. Cyber hacking by 'someone' is messing with the search and many other functions of this major web site and many other large websites-at both govt levels and company levels-THIS IS ON TOPIC!!! If buyers can't find and see items to buy then where the heck are sales going to come from? Documented in G**gle and media
2. Ebay has turned off 400 of it's over 52,000 servers to its 117 million users, saving itself $2 million dollars. I believe that sellers are complaining-on ALL ebay sites WORLDWIDE that they/their shops/item views/functions are being turned OFF, disappear day in/day out.
I know I am right when moderators assigned to these forums 'discussions' are unrepentant in trying to SHUT ME UP, report me.
Yes, 'sales have hit a wall'.......intermittently......so whatchoo gonna do 'bout it? sulk? whinge? keep paying for this type of service?
on 29-05-2013 02:04 PM
Is eBay submitting to Google wrong item pages ? or is that just a cynical use of my product pages to attract customers from google and then send them to shop with "premium sellers"? You'd be the judge of that...
1) Searched Google today for "1n4001 Melbourne". My ebay product page (for item "1N4001 diodes") comes up on Google on page one position 4 to 6. (great...now lets click that link to buy...)
2) Clicked the link from Google page and hit the Ebay page for my product with ebay saying that "i ended this item". Bull crap, i did not end this item it is on auto renewal and has been on auto renewal for years. This product is prominently featured in my store (which i bloody pay monthly subscription fees for) for years and TO DATE.
3) Ebay prominently display "other" sellers on my own product landing page (which supposedly was "ended").
4) Conclusion, another perfect example of how customers are being divested from my own product pages to other sellers in broad day light. My products are being used to attract Google customers and then divested to other sellers once they hit my actual ebay product page.
5) Print screen, Print screen, Print screen......
on 29-05-2013 02:26 PM
Guys we have sold over 15,000 items on ebay in the past 6-7 years. Sales have taken a nose dive in the past 12 months and especially in the past 6 months. The market is dying and the increases in fees is a joke.
Ebay want you to start a store but don't bother to reply to your emails! Can't understand why there is just a flat rate for sales at the end of an auction or if something sells. Listing items and having a ton of window shoppers these days is not working.
Once my stock run out we will be calling it a day!
on 29-05-2013 07:13 PM
My sales are the worst they have been since 2001. I thought it was just me but apparently not.this plus picky buyers and new fee system 😞 well its not good. Does anyone know why?
on 29-05-2013 07:33 PM
This is addressed to paintsew007
You have hit the nail right on the head.
on 29-05-2013 08:40 PM
Thanks for the confirmation hawker1967.
I am not at all pleased to be 'hitting the nail on the head' but it is pleasant for a change to receive confirmation on an opinion rather than receive chastisement!!
As for 'sales hitting a wall'.......there are a few options available to fix this serious issue.
None are pleasant.Requires some brainstorming as each seller has different aims/targets/issues to accomodate.
Consider - retreat:close shop, go on vacation,stop listing, refuse to pay for further listings(observe that ebay have sorted this lil' black duck by offering 'no listing fees' in a lot of categories aimed at the lowly peasantry/mum n dad sellers,
wait it out and see what 'happens'.....nothing good is going to happen by doing nothing!
All these actions will 'hurt' and no one will achieve sales or procure wanted items.
Move over to another site - from what I have observed ebay IS the King of Kings site IN EVERYONES MIND......... Brainwashed beyond belief!
g**gle is the motherboard
'SEO' is what brings you customers and the dollar in online sales.
Its simple.
Register your domain name/s(don't pay more than $12/domain name) thru a company that has a GREAT reputation. There are a couple.
Start your own website (don't pay more than a few hundred dollars).
Learn how to 'drive' and actively practise 'driving'...............
...............sales have not really hit the wall-ebay is driving this bus and just not stopping at the usual bus stops to allow people on and off (as we are accustomed/expect to do) and ebay are constantly changing the route- cos they can!! and there are absolutely NO RULES IN PLACE THAT SAY THEY CAN'T DO THIS!......so get off at the next stop:-x