Same item sold twice but only listed once

Sold an item last week, received payment, item sent. Item has now sold again to another buyer, even though it was only listed once. I have cancelled the new sale, but am disappointed that I've been charged a cancellation fee as I don't feel this was my mistake.

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Same item sold twice but only listed once

What was the fee? All else aside, the most it should have cost is 30c as all other fees are reimbursed when an order is cancelled and fully refunded. (I'm not saying this fee is necessarily justified, just it's the only one I know of that would have applied and is not refundable).


Unfortunately this does happen from time to time, occasionally items of mine that I know 100% were out of stock on eBay (because I set the quantity to zero myself), will suddenly have quantity replenished and then sell out of the blue. Other sellers have had items mysteriously relisted. You can try hopping on to chat and see if they will credit the fee, but most of the time eBay will blame this sort of stuff on anything/one other than themselves, so it may be a frustrating convo. 



Message 2 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

It looks like back on 26th of june, you have created 2 separate listings, 4 minutes apart.

Message 3 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

Check your listings,  you also have  another NIN Promo listed twice, again created 26/6 ,   4 minutes apart.

Message 4 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

You have several duplicates of some listings.


You have 3 x NIN listings at different prices. Two look the same,  but all three have pretty much the same heading. Two were created a few mins apart.


You have 2 x Greg Puciato Vinyls at different prices, but they look the same. They were both created a few mins apart.

Message 5 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

Cancellation fees? whaaaa


Don't suppose there's a cancellation fee if the buyer didn't pay after four days?

Message 6 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

@motor*magz wrote:


Don't suppose there's a cancellation fee if the buyer didn't pay after four days?

Why shouldnt there be, eBay still provided a service,  not their fault the buyer didnt pay

Message 7 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

But that is not your issue. Your issue is with listings you duplicated yourself, when you had only 1, that subsequently sold. And you were paid for.


I can't see anywhere in your complaint about NPB's. Given that eBay would not be charging you until they were PBs.

Message 8 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

Sorry, not you.


Your issue would appear to be off-topic and irrelevant to this discussion

Message 9 of 12
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Same item sold twice but only listed once

Sorry i asked ๐Ÿ™„

Message 10 of 12
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