Seller safety — eBay and beyond (other marketplaces)

Several people on these boards have posted about how dangerous selling can be.


It’s not just the risks of online selling, but also the risks of face-to-face transactions in an increasingly violent environment where strangers can target you for violent burglary or home invasion, or use counterfeit money in cash on pickup, etc.


It’s worth reading this article: 


Seller beware: How putting up items for sale on Facebook marketplace and Gumtree could put you at risk

Ever sold something on Facebook marketplace or Gumtree? Without knowing it, you might've put yourself in danger. Here's how to stay safe when selling items online. Read the full story




PayID scams are another one of which to beware, but I’ll leave that can of worms to another post.



For now, the salient points are:


• don’t give away your phone number or address to strangers and of course don’t post these online;


• don’t photograph items for sale in such a way that you reveal your home or other possessions or family members;


• for pickup sales, don’t use your home — rather, select a public location and try to bring along a second person;


• if accepting cash, how confident are you that you can recognise genuine bills? If you can’t, then use PayPal or PayID (but you’d better be well up to speed on how PayID works so that you don’t fall victim to a PayID scam).




I’m opening the floor here for others to suggest more ways to protect oneself against these risks.







Message 1 of 25
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Re: Seller safety — eBay and beyond (other marketplaces)

@springyzone wrote:


We don't get many salesmen or religious preachers any more (& I think the politicians have all moved to phone messages) but what works for me is a security door. We actually have 2 of them so when I open the front door, I can see who is there and if it is a stranger, I just speak to them through the door. It unnerves them as they can't see me.  It's very easy when you are just a disembodied voice to say, sorry, not interested. They soon take off.

Unfortunately my screen door is see through. However, I have an intercom with my door bell so I can answer from the house or the workshop which saves having to go to the front door and waste time. Not yet upgraded to one with a camera.

During lockdowns one cult, who were obviously distraught at not being able to door knock, resorted to phone calls and written letters! 

When I lived in Adelaide my emergency department nurse male neighbour was woken by 2 of the guys in white shirts.  It was summer and in a heat wave, so nurse had come home in the morning, stripped off and fallen in to bed. When rudely awoken by a caller apparently unable to read or respect the request to "Be quiet or Beware the sleeping night worker", he went to the door (remember what he wasn't wearing), opened it, took an appropriate pose to match his words and said "hello boys, am I pleased to see you" - his wife reported that she wouldn't have  believed anyone could run that fast in 40C heat as those god botherers.

Message 21 of 25
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Re: Seller safety — eBay and beyond (other marketplaces)

That intercom sounds useful!

My sister has a similar set up but attached to a camera.

She also has some app attached to her phone and it activates when anyone is in the drive way, not just at the door.

She hears a ding. Usually she ignores it but one day she was at home and checked her phone as she was expecting her daughter. What she saw was some man walking up the drive. He must have seen the camera and he jumped into a bush on the side then moments later dashed off the property.

Dead give away he was up to no good. Should have had a pamphlet or something to explain his presence if caught.

She was relieved too as she was home alone.


But she also finds the app it useful when she is working as she can always see if a parcel has been left at the door and can tell if she has had visitors while she has been out.

Message 22 of 25
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Re: Seller safety — eBay and beyond (other marketplaces)

Community Member

I just want to say that I hope eBay addresses this Issue that I raised.


I don't think it's safe to have my name as a seller so prominently displayed. I know most people won't mind, but it's just totally unnecessary to show it here.

Message 23 of 25
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Re: Seller safety — eBay and beyond (other marketplaces)

Have you actually raised it with eBay or only posted on the member to member forum?

Message 24 of 25
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Re: Seller safety — eBay and beyond (other marketplaces)

Maybe I'm missing something, but as I see it it's only you as a buyer and the seller you've dealt with in the past that is going to be able to see those details - which presumably are in the order details anyway.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
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