Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

Hi all,
just a 'heads up' for everyone... My ebay seller fees are paid monthly via Paypal - drawn from my CBA credit card if insufficient paypal funds are available.

I was checking my CBA netbank & noticed that an 'International Fee' of 3% was charged when my seller fees (June) were paid by my credit card. I spoke to the bank and was advised that the reason an International Fee was charged was due to the fact that the payment was processed in OS (Switzerland) by ebay.

I just spoke to ebay help & was told that this is a 'current' problem that is being investigated! First time I've ever been charged an International fee for my AU ebay seller fees drawn on a AU credit card.

Ebay advised me that the fee amount will be credited to my ebay account within the next couple of days.

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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

Community Member
It seems this has happened to me now. When I reported to PayPal they are asking me to check with eBay. Why should I contact eBay GmBH with whom I had no dealings at all
Message 21 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

Same problem! Ebay claim because they return GST payments from buyers and sellers to the ATO thay pay tax in Aust. No ammount of debate will get them to admit to gross tax dodging via their Swiss tax haven.

Message 22 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

Any update on the outcome of your enquiry?


@minimum_56 wrote:

Hi all,
just a 'heads up' for everyone... My ebay seller fees are paid monthly via Paypal - drawn from my CBA credit card if insufficient paypal funds are available.

I was checking my CBA netbank & noticed that an 'International Fee' of 3% was charged when my seller fees (June) were paid by my credit card. I spoke to the bank and was advised that the reason an International Fee was charged was due to the fact that the payment was processed in OS (Switzerland) by ebay.

I just spoke to ebay help & was told that this is a 'current' problem that is being investigated! First time I've ever been charged an International fee for my AU ebay seller fees drawn on a AU credit card.

Ebay advised me that the fee amount will be credited to my ebay account within the next couple of days.


Message 23 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

There haven't been many (or possibly any) reports of this happening in the last 12 months, which is how long ago minimum opened this thread.

Message 24 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

Have just found that ebay has done this to me 5 times since July 2018. On hold tyring to call them now...over $100AUD has been taken out...

Message 25 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

You should check your accounts more often than annually.

Message 26 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

Community Member
They took $AU93 out of my account also. Currently have asked PayPal to investigate.
Message 27 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

@elaybutt wrote:
They took $AU93 out of my account also. Currently have asked PayPal to investigate.

For international transfer fees for eBay fees?


Or is it eBay for eBay fees which were due?

Message 28 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

I raised this issue in a post in 2016 and after eventually escalating to NSW Fair Trading was refunded these fees in 2018 (many hurdles were put up by Ebay and Paypal with NSW Fairtrading tending to automatically believe what these parties stated unfortunately).


I was fortunately assisted by information from my bank confirming payments were going overseas; first to HK where they were netted following which they were credited to a Swiss account. This was despite the representations of Ebay as well as a later assertion by the Legal Counsel of Ebay to NSW Fairtrading that payments were going into a local Ebay bank account. 


At the time there were some unrelated comments and wild assumptions made by some narky members which appears to be happening again.



Message 29 of 50
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Sellers!! Check your banking institution for International Fees for paying ebay monthly Seller fees!

I am unsure how you think my comments or (unanswered) questions are unrelated or narky. Nor do I particularly care, notwithstanding what your experiences 3 years ago were.

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