Sellers : Gain A Voice

For Years eBay's Mantra has been ' We are a Platform - We are a Venue.


Not anymore.


Today it is a Fee Guzzling, Dictorial, Judgemental monster, totally lacking in any Integrity


We the Sellers are held to Ransom for the pitiful little Symbols & Icons they offer for complying with the 'Policies'.


For the most part we Sellers are dealing with our customers with Consideration & Integrity.

Our Feedback is Testament to this.


There is always going to be an element of dishonest traders as there is everywhere.

Most of whom will not & do not last long.


To Comply we are directed to offer 'Free Postage'.

This is not China - our Govt. does not offer this to encourage trade - we pay a hefty cost for Postage.


To offer 'Free Postage' when the cost is recouped in the sale is not only dishonest it is illegal.

eBay do not offer the honest option of 'Postage Included'.

This is Australia - in a lot of cases same day or 1 day posting is nigh on impossible to say nothing of being non cost effective.

 A 30 day money back guarantee is boardering on the ridiculous for most of our items.


Then we come to August 20th & the 'Defect' System.


This system is so Flawed - so Lacking in Reason - it beggars belief.


For whatever reason these so called 'Defects' are given & no matter the outcome between buyer & seller the 'Defects' stand.


This is the only country in the world without the even playing field of mutual Feedback.

Ours is totally stacked for the Buyer.

Without Sellers there are no Buyers.


eBay has stated a buyer not happy with a transaction is not likely to return to the site.

What Rubbish.

We have all had experiences we would rather forget but purchase again & again.


My Lone Voice will be heard on 20th August & on 21st August & on 22nd August & on 23rd of August.


My holiday Settings will be turned on - my items not seen - eBay will receive no income from me for this time.


My hip pocket is willing to take the hit & I gain a voice.


IMAGINE if it were not a LONE VOICE.


Message 1 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

@cmcoins2000 wrote:

The biggest problem I have selling this way (eBay) is - people do not read.


I have customers who email saying the item was not 'as big' as they thought or it was 'gold' not 'silver'.


All of this can be found in my description.


You have arrived at the point where I admit I am a one-person protest - read again I think Lone Voice says it all.


'As most of us have been trying to tell you' - that would be all two.


You weren't asked in any way to change your signature especially not to one as 'fatuous', 'purposeless' as mine.


You do not find my opinion relevant but you can't help sticking your 2 cents worth to say nothing.


Given my era Jim Croce (spelt correctly) was a part of my 20's and very much admired.


Still looking for my signature - in fact I cannot even remember what it was - never having used one.

As you said, it pays to read.


That was not addressed to you. If you look at the top of a post you will see who it is in reply to. Unless the replied to post subsequently gets deleted.

Message 21 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

With all due respect - take another look - decidedly 'in reply' to helen5839.

Message 22 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

With all due respect, it wasn't.

Message 23 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

"Stop fighting!" We ned to stand together not pull each other to pieces 😞

Message 24 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

it is not fighting. That would be deleted by the mods.


It is 'robust' discussion.

Message 25 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice


Message 26 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

davewil1964 (52 ) View Listings Community Member Posts: 6,511 Registered: ‎12-19-2011 .Re: Sellers : Gain A Voice[ Edited ] .Options Mark as NewBookmarkSubscribeSubscribe to RSS FeedHighlightPrintEmail to a FriendReport Inappropriate reply to helen5839 Tuesday - last edited Tuesday So we have now got to the point where you admit you are a one-person protest. As most of us having been trying to tell you. nark - if I thought your opinion relevant... Jim Croche was a brilliant singer/songwriter and I have no intention of changing my sig. Especially not to one as fatuous as yours. ------ If you're going my way, I'll go with you - Jim Croce ------ ..... This is the post replied to : your suggestion of changing my 'fatuous' sig etc. Your apology is accepted however.
Message 27 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

@davewil1964 wrote:

@cmcoins2000 wrote:

The biggest problem I have selling this way (eBay) is - people do not read.


I have customers who email saying the item was not 'as big' as they thought or it was 'gold' not 'silver'.


All of this can be found in my description.


You have arrived at the point where I admit I am a one-person protest - read again I think Lone Voice says it all.


'As most of us have been trying to tell you' - that would be all two.


You weren't asked in any way to change your signature especially not to one as 'fatuous', 'purposeless' as mine.


You do not find my opinion relevant but you can't help sticking your 2 cents worth to say nothing.


Given my era Jim Croce (spelt correctly) was a part of my 20's and very much admired.


Still looking for my signature - in fact I cannot even remember what it was - never having used one.

As you said, it pays to read.


That was not addressed to you. If you look at the top of a post you will see who it is in reply to. Unless the replied to post subsequently gets deleted.

i believe it was in reply to the stawka.

Message 28 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

When you go to answer a post there is a 'quote' button top right of the reply box. Makes it much more clear what you are quoting.

Message 29 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Got it. Thank you. Have a mere number. Have given a signature some thought though. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt - MARK TWAIN
Message 30 of 62
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