on 01-03-2017 06:36 AM
What do you do when ebay ignores your rights as a seller, decides against you without taking into account your position, refunds the money to the buyer against your protests and despite you putting your case, takes the side opf the buyer with regard to returnign the goods and in the end leaves you out of pocket with the shipping expense and the loss of the item . . . . time to reverse the disproportionate advantage to the buyer . . . .caveat emptor, remember?!!
02-03-2017 10:42 PM - edited 02-03-2017 10:45 PM
I have a case at the moment where a buyer claimed an item was not as described before it was even delivered, then when it was delivered they claimed they had received an empty box and provided ebay with an affidavit to that effect.
Of course ebay sided with the buyer and refunded them in full including postage with no requirement to return anything because according to what they had been told with no proof provided whatsoever was that we had shipped an empty box.
I left a message on the buyers answering service telling them in no uncertain terms what I thought of lying scamming POS's and appealled to their scant moral fibre to at least send the item back that they had ripped us off on if it truly was no longer required.
Surprisingly, the buyer did send the item back return to sender and it was completely unopened and still contained the item we had sent which the buyer had claimed he had not received but had instead received an empty box.
The returned item was photographed both unopened and opened showing the contents in front of the post office staff and I provided ebay with this fresh evidence along with my own sworn statement which proved that the buyer had lied and scammed us with ebay's assistance but despite all of this evidence, ebay still refuses to admit that the buyer was a lying scammer and that they provided false information to extort a postage refund for what should have been a change of mind return.
This case has been reported to Acorn and a full report is being provided to the NSW police.
Don't expect ebay to side with anyone other than the buyer no matter how corrupt, dodgy, criminal or otherwise their behaviour is.
If you are treated badly by ebay's poor standards at dispute resolution and you have proof that they have not been diligent in their investigation or worse, like in my case, completely ignore all evidence presented to them then I suggest you take it as far as you can legally and with law enforcement as ultimately a stick to the back of the head is all they understand.
Public shaming of ebay on their facebook sites is also advised if they carry out this behaviour.
Sellers won't have any rights on this platform until they start standing up for what is right.
The photos show the ebay decision and the package that was sent to the buyer after it was returned and opened on the counter of the post office showing clearly that the contents were not empty as claimed in the affidavit provided to ebay.
We even had to pay for the return postage of the "empty box".
on 02-03-2017 11:08 PM
If you got charged return postage by the PO, don't forget to do the feedback survey thingy. You might win $5,000 worth of giftcards, which will more than cover the extra postage you had to pay. I've done those feedback thingies and if there has been an issue, I've mentioned it at the end.
on 02-03-2017 11:16 PM
The post office were within their rights to charge for the return to sender package. It had been delivered to the buyer and was returned to the post office 6 days later as return to sender.
It just adds salt to the wound in that it should have been a remorse return paid for by the buyer but because they lied to ebay in a sworn statement they got fully reimbursed by ebay for the original postage and we copped the return postage because they didn't pay to send it back at their end.
The most annoying part is despite all of the obvious evidence that the buyer lied to ebay in the first place, ebay have flatly refused to reverse their decision so we are still out of pocket both the original postage and the return postage and have a defect against out account because we "couldn't work things out with the buyer".
Basically ebay aids and enables scammers and even when caught out, will not admit the are wrong.
This case will end up in the courts eventually as the last time I checked, providing a false sworn statement is an offence.
on 03-03-2017 09:07 PM
I would make mention to the buyer about lying on a legal document being a criminal offence, but you are willing to overlook it if they pay up for the postage costs. It certainly makes a mockery of it all.
I often shake my head on here when you see people advising people to have someone sign a stat dec. Given that no one ever checks the validity of them, you can write whatever you like. I've always believed they aren't worth the paper they're written on, and this has proved that.
on 04-03-2017 02:29 AM
Tippy, when a JP signs a Stat Dec they are only signing to say that they have witnessed the person signing the document.....they are not guaranteeing the truthfulness of the information in the Declaration. They dont even have to see what is written...the person signing it can hide what is written.
Similarly, if they are asked to verify that a document is a true and accurate copy, they only have to see the two documents together....they are not guaranteeing that the information in them is true.
on 26-01-2019 01:50 PM
I listed a vintage dell laptop computer which was working. In my description I said it was slow, running XP and the age of the laptop, 2002. I included current photos of it running, DVD USB ports were all working. I had owned it since 2007 and used it every now and then to keep it happy!!! It was securely packaged and sent 4000km to the other side of the country. The buyer contacted Ebay the day after they received it claiming it was faulty said DVD USB did not work, would not load internet, couldn't upgrade from Microsoft, souldn't upload spies (their word) . The bottom line it was a vintage computer not a new machine capable of Windows 10. The buyer did not contact me. Ebay demanded I refund the buyer and pay for return postage, Paypal debited my account $80.00 and I had no recourse but to offer the person a refund on the purchase price - I didn't want it back after they had probably stuffed it up totally. They accepted it but people with feedback of less than 5 are a pain at times.
on 26-01-2019 03:09 PM
This thread is 2 years old. It's worse now.
A 17 year old laptop would be on its last legs, imo. A bump or two on the journey could have easily jarred something loose. As you didn't get it returned, you have no way of knowing whether or not it was working when the buyer received it.
Feedback numbers are a very blunt instrument. I have more trouble with 100+ buyers than I do with 0 or 1 feedback buyers. The newbies normally haven't learnt the scams yet.
on 26-01-2019 04:09 PM
I’m don’t post all that much here, really. I have a habit of foot in mouth, but I do read most everything in these boards - my bible!
You get to a point where you think you’ve read everything and then voila !!
A sort of similar thing happened to us recently - a nice little piece of red left saying how bad the item was, this is despite the fact that it had never been sent or received. It was a convoluted NPB issue that I had handled incorrectly. In my case though EBay saw through the sham and removed the red.
I’ve already sidetracked myself, but what I’m trying to say is that you never know when some buyer is going to try a tune on you. For us it’s hard to ‘pad out’ prices to soften the blow, when it happens. And, it doesn’t matter how much you ‘think’ you know, I’ve learnt, before I do anything these days TO COME HERE FIRST and work through any issue from there.
I’m not backward in saying it anymore - some people are just ‘GRUBS’. It’s so frustrating when you can’t treat them accordingly.
Anyway, I wish you well OP 🙂
on 26-01-2019 04:12 PM
PS....There you go - foot in mouth. I didn’t check how old this was 😞