on 03-03-2016 04:38 PM
Hubby has recommended that I open up my products for sale to China.
I have restricted my sales to just a handful of countries, but just wanted to know if anyone has sold stuff to the Chinese and how it has been? I'm pretty reticent about sending stuff there, but should I be concerned or not?
on 04-03-2016 08:35 PM
Hi, I have lived in China and found the Chinese people love quality products. They will inspect everything carefully but in the end its the quality that wins through. I would be mindful though that copyright, although it exists, goes right out the door. My sisters are selling overseas on another platform and within hours of listing their exclusive copyrighted product had 2 chinese sellers, selling the
identical item right down to the patterns and styles they have. It will cost them an arm and a leg to follow this through with their chinese lawyers. Their products were quality items selling for around $35 and their competitors came in at $4.00!!!!
On the contrary to another member I found in the area I lived that the chinese children were all learning English or Russian.
I used to remark how slow we are in Australia to not teach from grade 1 a language to ALL children regardless when their little minds
are so fresh and they have the ability to learn quickly. The chinese nation are already 10 steps ahead in many areas to the rest of
the world. I did not live in a big city, but a city of 6 million people, and this was in the country.
If you take up the challenge there is the great cultural divide. It is difficult for yourself and the chinese to understand what you or they
really mean or want. You do get through eventually but not without some severe headaches.
I found the postal system when I lived there very good, but very expensive compared to the wages I earned. I also found it reliable.
I guess everyone has a different experience.
If you are prepared to take that leap into the unknown I applaud you sincerely. My husband has been negotiating with the chinese
for over 25 years, its always a challenge for both parties. All the best with your decision.
on 08-03-2016 10:54 AM