Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

Community Member

As you can tell from the title I was incredibly stupid to send my item off without having received payment from the buyer. I don't know why I did it - I never do so usually, but the buyer messaged me saying if I could send it asap because they wanted it immediately. 

Anyway, it's been 3 weeks and the buyer still hasn't sent me the money. Whenever I message her, she claims she doesn't have money, or doesn't have Internet, waiting until she gets paid - the list of excuses goes on and on. It's either that or she just completely ignores me. 

So just then I sent her another message asking what's happening, and she said to me "I haven't had internet access sorry that's why I haven't been replying. This dress is actually tooabig on me so would like to return it if possible please. Its veryabig for a size 8 which is very unusual."

Usually I would allow for a refund, but she's had it for 3 weeks and she only just made the decision? Seems a bit fishy to me. She's probably worn it or something. So I told her no I'm not allowing you to refund it and asked her to pay me immediately. 

This is the reply I get: 

"And it's not my fault I haven't been able to access internet to pay you so it hasn't only been an inconvenience to you! There is nothing wrong with the dress. I have only tried it on and it was way too big on me. The dress is still in the same condition as it was when you sent it to me. No different. You won't get my payment tonight. So your choice. I'm rather tired of the way your talking to me as well. Your being completely rude about a matter that has been out of my hands and you had the nerve to accuse me of lying when I share this account so you had no right to make accusations."

I have no idea what to do now. At least I can say I definitely learnt my lesson not to send something off before the buyer pays.

Message 1 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

Community Member

also if she don't have internet,the have building call LIBRARY)))and internet for free,she did want you send ASAP so she did wear,police want do nothing,they will say(you have to report to ebay)if you still have proof of sending her dress you open case end ebay will get money from her,also put her user name here,so no one will sell her again,next time if some one need ASAP item,they can pay ASAP also,good luck)

Message 11 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

Kafav,you have given so much wrong information & also encouraged Chinawang to breach board posting policy.


JMO but your should self report your post.:|

Message 12 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

If she has no internet then how is she sending you messages?

I would say you have the time and internet to reply so pay rather than reply.

Even if it is via a phone she can still make payment from there as well.

Message 13 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

Community Member

To foxette-in-post,i say about post proof only,because if you read her messages costumer was abuse the seller,she may say ,she never receive and don't know what she talking about,only that 😛

Message 14 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

Community Member

Sorry,To:foxette-in-sox)don't attack me for mistake,i am learning)

Message 15 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

kafav, foxy was trying to help you because you told the OP to put the buyers name here, that is not allowed and will get anyone who does it into trouble, so you should not have suggested that. Also it won't matter if the buyer says item not received, it has never been paid for so a claim could not be made against the seller. The OP (sellers) problem is how to get the money now.


OP -  I would not even attempt to get her to send back I would open UPI and give her a strike at the very least (unless she does pay to avoid the strike). If that happens and she leaves you neg appeal to eBay right away. Keep all messages just in case


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 16 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

Community Member

sometimes you just have to learn from your mistakes . never send anything untill they have paid for it regardless of how much they say they desperately need it . cause the way i see it if they needed it that badly i'm sure they have shops around where they live they could get it from. and secondly be precise and say payment within 7 days or unpaid item dispute will be opened and a non paying buyer strike will be put forth against you. unless they ask you before buying or bidding to pay later then the 7 days . i sell clothing on ebay in my store and have had a few people say they need something really quickly and i just say ok well what i can do for you is on the day you pay and i receive funds in full i will post the item off for you on the exact same day.

*a stupid question is a question never asked.
Message 17 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

Community Member

2106greencat,when i say for foxy don't attack me,i didn't mean on bad way,i just didn't white her user name correct)ha thanks for that,i didn't know you can do that,thanks kitty,i go read policy again)))MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS,WISH THE 2013 WILL BRING YOU ONLY POSITIVE THINKS,AND LOTS OF HAPPINESS,AND FOR MY GIRLS HUSKY)))))BE ALL POSITIVE)))   

Message 18 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

2106greencat,when i say for foxy don't attack me,i didn't mean on bad way,i just didn't white her user name correct)ha thanks for that,i didn't know you can do that,thanks kitty,i go read policy again)))MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS,WISH THE 2013 WILL BRING YOU ONLY POSITIVE THINKS,AND LOTS OF HAPPINESS,AND FOR MY GIRLS HUSKY)))))BE ALL POSITIVE)))   

(chokes on coffee :O:^O)

Message 19 of 25
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Sent item already, buyer hasn't paid

kitty??? and here's me thinking I'm tough.........oh well, off I go find that ball of string.......puurrrrr


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 20 of 25
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