Shop: blue door, red door

I know this has been brought up before and most think there is no rhyme or reason for it, but there must be.  My door 3 days ago was blue for one day then I had 2 red days now I'm back to blue. I want to know what the deal is, it's annoying me. Any ideas?

Message 1 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

Maybe the door colours are a diversionary tactic, and while people try to Sherlock what the deal is, eBay will sneak in some other confounding change. Like the watch count - why are some showing in standard grey text, but others show in bold orange? I know it's not due to number of watchers, cos sometimes it's the lower ones that are why, eBay, why









(An eBay rep has been quoted as saying it's simply a design change, but maybe the person behind it has artistic mood swings. Smiley Very Happy )

Message 11 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

Mmmm ... a conspiracy theory .. I likey

Message 12 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

Store doors are red

No wait, they're blue

While you were working out why

We introduced this fee, and guess what? It's due!

Message 13 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

Not only a ghost,

A poet too !!

Message 14 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

@thecatspjs wrote:

Not only a ghost,

A poet too !!

Only when I'm not distracted by important stuff, like pizza - if people would stop making it (pizza, that is), I could probably finish my epic ode to feedback (amongst other eBay related ballads). Smiley LOL

Message 15 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

Understandable ... good pizza is a gift ...


Mmmmm .... crafting an ebay ode on feedback.  Impressive,


Started a non-payer limerick myself (surprise, surprise)  .. but could not get past first line, I once had a pesky non-payer .......


But as it makes me very cross to think about non-payers, I go into decline and lose my creativity. 






Message 16 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door the top of my head...


There once was a bidder named Jay 🙂

Who bid on my stuff but didn't pay Smiley Surprised

So I gave him a strike Man Mad

He said do what you like Smiley Wink

'Cos I can day after day Smiley Tongue

Message 17 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

Darn it, too late to edit Smiley LOL but on reflection that should probably be a bidder named 5***j

Message 18 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door



clever ...  but makes me cross thinking bout bidders like 5*** the *bleep* 


I would prefer like a limerick where real bad things happen to the non payer, like a Harry Potter howler delivered to their workplace



On Topic - Op there is a thread about the doors on ebay US discussion boards - some "interesting" takes on what others think, on one an ebay rep makes some comments that tell you nothing much at all.





Message 19 of 32
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Shop: blue door, red door

ha digital...yes, it's a decoy...leading to another fee...or is it? the secret labryinths of red blue...


.and to the original poster...honey, just ignore or take with a block of salt, scathing comments from plebs who have kudos on other boards. They will always toot their own horn in their own we all do....You know your own truth...and that's his. Yours is yours and it sits fine with most...jilly

Message 20 of 32
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