on 06-10-2012 09:18 PM
Hi, need some advice..... I sold an item on my other ebay ID, the listing ended on the 26/9 ($17.00 in total) and I sent an invoice to the winning buyer on the same day and a reminder on the 30/9.
On the 30/9 I received an email from the buyer requesting my bank details which I provided on the same day and let her know I would check my account daily and once I received payment would be back in touch to confirm when I would be posting the item.
From 30/9 - 5/10 I checked my account daily and still no payment.
So yesterday (5/10) around midday, I sent an email to the buyer advising that I had not received a payment yet and asked her to confirm if payment had been made. (I thought maybe she had paid it to the wrong account??)
So far I haven't received a reply. I think I've been pretty patient & polite and have taken into account the long weekend and that it's been school holidays, but I'm starting to get tired of waiting. (I do also have blocks in place for non-paying bidders - as I have had one in the past and that was pretty frustrating - but that buyer made absolutely no effect to contact me within 7 days which led me to believe he had no intention of paying, hence I lodged an unpaid item case & got the fees reimbursed).
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I know I have to draw a line somewhere. Should I give her till Monday and send another email, then if no reply is received by Wednesday lodge an unpaid item case? That would make it 2 weeks since the listing ended.
Would appreciate any advice, thanks Jo
on 15-10-2012 03:05 AM
Oh and yes i kept the original messages which shows before the seller lodged an unpaid case against me . i have even spoken to ebay customer help about it. They told me all i could do was contact them.. Which is hard to do because they have me on block. now thinking about it, im scared that they wont send me what i need... maybe i shouldnt have paid anything.. Do you think i have done the wrong thing?
on 15-10-2012 03:13 AM
A transaction is ended when a dispute is closed. Your seller has shown that they don't want to deal with you so you shouldn't have paid them. If you don't receive your item open an item not received case with Paypal.
on 15-10-2012 06:10 AM
"I dont get that. Why are there sellers who do that? Especially seeing that i went out of my way and even called them. Which wasnt a cheap call either. It was an international call from Australia to Canada...
Do you think i was expecting too much from the seller?
What would you have done?
if i had brough stuff from you which was btw 150 dollars worth and i had in the past paid straight away this was just a once off?
Would you have given me the time to pay for the amount or would you have done the same thing this ebayer has done?"
Op you can have as long as you like to pay me......the money spends just as well this week as it will next week or the week after...........
gotta luv those that open a NPB dispute after 4 days especially when a NPB dispute can be opened up to 32 days after payment is promised.
How does that work into your ebay customer service and satisfaction process????
Specifically how has the 4 days then dispute ethos negatively impacted upon the buyer in this thread and their perception of a fair go and of purchasing on ebay in general??? ( and I bet amongst buyers they are not Robinson Crusoe)
ie ebay allow a dispute to be opened after 4 days and up to 32 days after the promise to pay......... why not make 14 days the trigger point to give buyers a real time frame to pay??....... gicen that it is only just greater than 1/3 of the time that ebay allows sellers to open a dispute...
IMO ebay's "tips" in the main leads sellers to act in ways that manipulate members action to best imporve ebays profit not neccisarily sellers profit
..... here is what ebay says....
Timing is important
Be aware of the timing for resolving your case, because there are windows for when you can open and close the case and be credited for certain fees.
If you don't receive payment, you can open an unpaid item case in the Resolution Centre as early as 4 days or up until 32 days after the listing ended.
The buyer has up to 4 days to send a payment after the case is opened.
During this time the buyer can also contact you to request a payment extension or make another arrangement.
Of course you can agree to the buyer's request, but you're not obligated to make special arrangements.
OP see the link below where you can appeal the Unpaid item strike