on 28-03-2012 06:54 PM
As a first-time seller, I had a buyer who didn't pay and didn't bother to contact me or respond to my emails. I opened an ‘Unpaid Item’ case, which again got no response, and closed the case today.
Yet the only feedback option available to me was to leave 'Positive' feedback for this buyer.
Really, eBay???
This 'buyer' still has a '100% positive' feedback rating on eBay. How is this honest or fair? Shouldn't a feedback system allow members of a community to comment on their actual dealings with people in that community?
Little wonder some sellers try to sneak in negative comments using the positive feedback option, to try to warn other unsuspecting sellers. Yet eBay deletes these from buyers' profiles.
I think eBay should change its feedback policy in order to allow equal footing for buyers and sellers. So sellers would be allowed to either: (a) leave negative feedback - if only for non-payment; or (b) automaticallly note non-payments into each buyer's feedback profile, so these are clear for all to see.
It's not a problem to demonstrate that a buyer hasn't paid. Why not give sellers the same rights as buyers to leave honest feedback? Wouldn't everyone benefit?
I didn't ship the item because payment never arrived or cleared. Still, what a negative experience, especially the shocking attitude toward sellers whose fees sustain and enrich eBay.
What is your opinion on eBay's feedback policy for sellers?
(Newbies: FB = feedback, NP = non-payment)
on 09-01-2013 10:02 PM
on 10-01-2013 05:33 AM
Hello "old friend"
on 20-01-2013 06:13 PM
on 20-01-2013 06:32 PM
Was it really necessary to drag up an old thread just to post a smiley?
on 20-01-2013 08:08 PM
There is still interest in this thread with loads of views as well as recent voting in relation to the poll.
Dear oh dear ?:| some posters seem to have a compulsion to post on threads that they have no interest in, or are annoyed about, for goodness sake if you are one of these simply ignore it !!!
To the lurkers continuing to view or vote - good on ya :-x:-x
on 21-01-2013 12:01 PM
and more polling overnight .....
and loads more views ]:)
so still very relevant 😛
on 21-01-2013 12:09 PM
No it isn't..
The last post was on the 25th of December until you came in and posted a smiley on the 9th of January, which I can only assume was posted with the purpose of bumping the thread.
The only reason it has had so many views, is that many people (Like me) assumed that it was a new thread about the same old topic.
I can't see any relevant posts after the 25th of December as it just seems that yourself and viewmont were using the thread to have a conversation consisting mainly of smiley faces..
If you can see anything of relevance posted after Dave's comment on the 25th (excluding this one and the one from lotb) I would like to see it,,,
on 21-01-2013 01:01 PM
I agree with your comments and I remember the fiasco that was happening with sellers leaving negative feedback, however if the NP had a mark come up to a seller when they put a bid in you could immediately withdraw the NPers bid and have a suceessful outcome.
on 21-01-2013 01:10 PM
I agree with your comments and I remember the fiasco that was happening with sellers leaving negative feedback, however if the NP had a mark come up to a seller when they put a bid in you could immediately withdraw the NPers bid and have a suceessful outcome.
wouldn't work for Buy-It-Now listings . . . . . and . . . . . non-payers would adapt to having their bids cancelled by bidding in the final seconds of an auction.
Now, I don't know of anyone who would be able to see a bid with an NP mark against the buyer and cancel the bid all in a matter of seconds before the auction ended . . . . apart from Superman that is.
on 21-01-2013 01:26 PM
The seller couldn't anyway, If there is less than 12 hours before the auction ends, then the seller can't end an auction or cancel a bid