on 08-11-2014 06:30 PM
Hi All...
So I just received today (8th Nov), a message that reads:
I still haven't received the tattoos. Unfortunately my sons birthday party was today so we had to miss out. I wanted to contact to you prior to neg feedback.
My annoyance is, the buyer bought it on the 19th October! I could have sent it 7 times over for them again.
I now feel like replying, do what you want, coz if you wait that long, how am I meant to correct the issue for you????
So disappointing... especially seeing as the majority of my feedback is about the speed of delivery... so if something hasn't arrived, don't you think the buyer could conclude there may be a concern???
Thanks for letting me vent!
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 09-11-2014 07:30 AM
@modestbods wrote:
It's a shame if you haven't been studying other languages. I don't know why it is but I do find multilingual girls to be somewhat... mmmm... 'alluring'... but I guess pidgin toe'd girls do have their good points too.
Well funny you should mention :
'Pidgin' is my first language.
That is why I would be soo good in CS
on 09-11-2014 11:42 PM
Missing the kids party might be something that upset the lady (and the kid) quite a bit, so it might be irreversible but I would still try.
Send her a message asking if she prefers a full refund or that you send replacement tattoos via express post. Do whatever she asks you to do. Then ask her if she would consider changing the feedback.
When I got a negative feedback once, I asked (begged) for it to be changed to neutral since I gave her the 100% refund quickly and she in the end she even changed it to pisitive, as she understood I did my best and gave the refund.
Good luck!
on 09-11-2014 11:46 PM
Oh sorry, I just saw that it has been all sorted!
Well done, offering refund and writting to the buyer is always the best way to go...
on 10-11-2014 07:58 AM
I have always found this scenario really frustrating.
The first time I received a negative, it was left without any contact to me at all .... I thought the item was in perfect condition but the NEGATIVE feedback read "item had a large stain on it and I am very disappointed".
Silly me!!, contacted her, apologised profusely, REFUNDED HER MONEY (silly me, again !!) and asked her if she would reverse the feeddback.
I then got an abusive reply, saying that I was "bullying" her into changing the feedback and that I was meant to learn from her comments !!
At that stage I had a feedback count of over 3000, and hers was about 3.
I sounds to me that you're a very fair seller, and I believe that in return, should be treated fairly.
I love my buyers, and 95% of them are great !! But some buyer can be dishonest .... say an item wasn't received or in bad condition,(if they decide they don't want it) ..... and the poor old seller has no comeback at all.
How can you prove a case, after it's gone from your care ??
I know there are dishonest sellers, but I really understand your frustration 😞
on 10-11-2014 11:04 PM
Oh, so annoyed, haha... I just got my first neutral! From someone different!!
And, yes, people are right above here ^^^ my previous whinge was about a buyer not asking me to fix her problem sooner...
THIS NEW person, has just left neutral, coz they can not read a thorough description that even states along the lines of:
I have asked them to review their feedback, but I am not holding my breath!
10-11-2014 11:06 PM - edited 10-11-2014 11:07 PM
@emtee-jays wrote:Oh, so annoyed, haha... I just got my first neutral! From someone different!!
Ah.... Don't you just love it when people imagine what an item is like instead of researching it.... o_O
Sorry about the neut. 😞
on 10-11-2014 11:13 PM
Ah.... Don't you just love it when people imagine what an item is like instead of researching it.... o_O
Sorry about the neut. 😞
Honestly! I know right!?!?!
So annoyed, more than upset!
My descriptions says this, among other things - I mean, really... stop shopping online! You are a danger to yourself! LOL
Approximately 6cm x 6cm Square each
If round stickers, approximate 6cm diameter
Please, measure your stickers out, to avoid any confusion.
Often, drawing the dimensions listed on a piece of paper
helps people get a better visual on what they will receive.
And, the picture on eBay is NOT
a true indication of the sizing in real life.
on 10-11-2014 11:23 PM
I know exactly how you feel - I got a 'smaller than expected' neut not so long ago. I have accurate measurements in the description (which is only about 5 lines long), plus an image in the eBay gallery and description showing the item next to a 10c coin for scale.
I like how some of the Chinese sellers are starting to get kinda creative with user IDs - (note to mods, not naming and shaming here, just pointing out the lengths sellers have started going to to bring certain things to certain people's attention), my favourite so far is the aptly simple name read description. (not actual ID, there's like an underscore or asterisk in there somewhere).
on 10-11-2014 11:31 PM
my favourite so far is the aptly simple name read description.
(not actual ID, there's like an underscore or asterisk in there somewhere).
Oh! That is awesome!
I think it s totally unfair that I get a neutral based on someone's ignorance... BUT, I know, someone will explain that it is what it is, and us sellers need to suck it up... but really, my description is honest and accurate, so why should I accept feedback which is not honest and accurate...
It's just disheartening, when I love my little business and feel I do a very good job, you know (not trying to have big head!) haha
Anyway... 1st world problems, I know, but still... Poo!! lol
on 10-11-2014 11:51 PM
More than annoying, especially with size in description (6cm). What did they expect for less than $3... A4 size?