Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

Hi All...


So I just received today (8th Nov), a message that reads:

I still haven't received the tattoos. Unfortunately my sons birthday party was today so we had to miss out. I wanted to contact to you prior to neg feedback.

My annoyance is, the buyer bought it on the 19th October! I could have sent it 7 times over for them again.

I now feel like replying, do what you want, coz if you wait that long, how am I meant to correct the issue for you????

So disappointing... especially seeing as the majority of my feedback is about the speed of delivery... so if something hasn't arrived, don't you think the buyer could conclude there may be a concern???


Thanks for letting me vent!


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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

We all know by now that many buyers simply don't read the descriptions, or if they do, they don't comprehend them so in any listing where perceived size is likely to be an issue, when providing a photograph of the item in question it makes a lot of sense to include in the image another item which is immediately recognisable, like a 20c coin, or a $5 note, for example.


I've not looked at any of your listings, but in your case above, I'd be including a 20c coin in all images of your 6cm square item so that its size is immediately quantifiable and that there can be no question of what they will be receiving. It also makes it pretty difficult for them to say that they didn't think it would be so small, and in the case of a claim, Paypal would clearly agree.


Edit: I've just noticed that DG has beaten me to the off, but it doesn't hurt to get verification of a good idea. 🙂

Message 41 of 48
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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

Yeah, offering a point of reference/perspective in pics, like a coin, is always a good idea whenever possible... and I particularly like the idea of using a $5 note, because of it's colour.


For larger items, I like to include one pic with the item alongside a coke can... it's something that almost everyone's familiar with and so can visualize the actual size of it without much trouble (even if they don't have one in front of them).


With different computers having different graphics cards, monitors, settings etc.. it's difficult/impossible to ensure that the colour of an item as it appears to the buyer viewing it on their computer is the same as it appears to you on yours, or is the same as it appears in real life. So I find using a coke can with it's familiar bright red colour provides a buyer a point of comparison they can use to check how accurate the items colour appears to be on their screen. 

Message 42 of 48
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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

@cq_tech wrote:



Edit: I've just noticed that DG has beaten me to the off, but it doesn't hurt to get verification of a good idea. 🙂

It's a great idea Smiley Very Happy as long as the buyer actually looks at the pictures in the listing; it would seem my neut-leaver didn't. The "funny" thing was, after saying the item was smaller than expected, they then said it was otherwise as described.... o_O 


P'raps I'll invent a few new eBay acronyms to use in titles - PSTYI (probably smaller than you'd imagine). Smiley LOL

Message 43 of 48
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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

Hey People!!


Just called eBay about raising my limits, as I do each month, and then had a chat about the feedback... and explained I know it's neutral, but I'm a proud seller and love my little business, and the buyer was ignorant and unfair!!

Well, TA DA!!! It's magically disappeared, because eBay thought my description was exceptionally thorough too 🙂

Yay Team eBay... Cheers!

Hope everyone has an awesome week of selling and buying 🙂

Message 44 of 48
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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

Glad both problems got sorted.
I really think communication is the way to go ... and yes, sometimes the buyer is 'having a bad hair day' and come down to earth when they realised what a great and fair seller you are ❤️
You deserve the reward 🙂
Message 45 of 48
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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

Hear, hear! What a great, albeit unexpected result. 🙂
Message 46 of 48
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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

I think it helps a lot when the buyer receives a genuine reply from the seller & the buyer realizes it's actually a real person their dealing with, & not some nameless faceless business.

Message 47 of 48
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Re: Sigh... My first negative or neutral feedback seems inevitable.... some advice please?

Isn't it also a requirement that you have a long list of bizzare and seldom used names to choose from for each time someone makes contact? (can't possibly be able to be found through our name if we've given the wrong information right?) I think you need to add that to your ' to do' list Helen.
Message 48 of 48
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