on โ04-08-2012 05:25 PM
on โ04-08-2012 09:34 PM
Saying buyers have to contact you is just a waste of cybertype, there is absolutely nothing in the ebay rules that says a buyer has to contact a seller other then by making payment within 4 days + 4 more dispute days.
Your newbie buyer is either a time waster or a numpty, either way you have done your part by trying to contact them and giving them your contact details so just wait until the 4 full days are up and if they haven't paid open an unpaid item dispute.
on โ04-08-2012 11:18 PM
You said contact in 3 days and you have already sent 2 invoices and you say the 3 days is up tonight.
You have now tried to phone the several times.
I think you are too impatient to be selling on eBay.
You can't just sit back and wait after the end of an auction but instead you spend three days stressing about lack of contact then this is going to be a very stressful place for you.
I used to sell a lot of pick up only items and I would advise you to be prepared for each item to take 2 weeks from end of auction to collection by buyer.
Most transactions will be completed well within the 2 weeks but some won't be and you are much better off selling to the first buyer even if they are a bit tardy rather than relisting or worrying about second chance offers.
Learn to relax, then you will start to enjoy the whole selling on eBay thing.
on โ05-08-2012 09:47 AM
I have to agree, patience is a virtue, and is never needed moe than here on eBay. Please remember
1. that not everyone is at the copmuter 24/7,
2. it is the weekend, they could be away,
3. any number of reasons they have not responded immediately
. I usually wait 7 days (eBay send reminder on day 4 anyway) if no response to my reminder on day 7 by day 10, then I would go to dispute. As far as contacting the buyer, I really believe the contact via ebay and my reminder is anough, and would not waste my time or money on a phone call. JMO
on โ05-08-2012 11:18 AM
To be perfectly honest, if I were the buyer of that item and you had sent me 2 invoices, and tried to call me after the 3 days (which id not even enforceable) was not up; that would only make me wait longer before contacting you..
Bump is right, you are probably too impatient to be selling on eBay.. You need to give the buyer more than 3 days to contact, as not everyone is on the computer all day, and you didn't even give them that before sending them another invoice..
As for the 0 feedback.. Buyers can only have positive feedback so the buyers amount of feedback is irrelevant.. All new buyers start with 0 feedback, it doesn't mean that they are trying to rip you off.. It's the sellers with 0 feedback selling high priced items you need to worry about... You haven't actually lost any money apart from your listing fees and FVF's which you can probably get back if the buyer doesn't end up paying and you file a NPB report, which will also see them getting a strike agains their name..
Seriously, you're making mountains out of molehills
on โ20-10-2014 05:01 PM
I buy something, I pay straight away... I win an auction I pay for it within 24hours, this is how it should be no if's no but's, but hey this is Ebay.......
โ20-10-2014 05:13 PM - edited โ20-10-2014 05:16 PM
two years old
on โ20-10-2014 05:15 PM
You do realise this thread is over two years old?????