on 11-01-2015 12:26 PM
Hello all. Some kind soul asked me a number of weeks ago, when and what Australian Coins l had coming up For Sale. Due to being in the mid-sixties, for the life of me, l cannot remember who it was.
The person who asked me on one of the boards, ( l think the Selling Board), will no doubt remember who she was. One thing is for sure, the person would have to be younger & prettier than me, not hard. !!!!!
If you are that person, would you be so kind as to PM me, l have a hunch who you are, but am just not 100% sure.
Thank You,
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 12-01-2015 12:58 AM
Hello sheepy, lf you purchase it, it will be packed with so much love & care, you will want to rush out and Hug all your little sheep. Attention to detail will be second to none. After all, l would like your Buying experience here on ebay, to be the highlight of your week.
lf you are Happy, please tell all your friends, if you are not Happy, please tell EBAY, as we are a caring environment, who work hard to endeavour that your time and shopping experience on ebay, is untruly rewarding for you and your family.
Contact us 24/7, we @ ebay are here to help you. Call Toll Free: 1-800- ebaygotme
Our Friendly Customer Service Agents are sitting by, busy studying up on their English, just waiting to receive your call. Nothing is more important to us, after all your money, is our money, so spend, spend, spend.
ebay the caring alternative.
Thank you, and have a F#*&#@g Great Day
- Your ebay Team
on 12-01-2015 01:13 AM
If it's not here before I've even thought about buying it, I'll trash your feedback and DSR's, then I'll open a SNAD and get my money back. Why should I pay for it when I can get it for free?
on 12-01-2015 01:22 AM
careful sheepy, ......mmmm, mmmmm, ah, l smell Lamb Loin Chops on the Grill, ....oh, my ears, my ears, l can still hear their "little" bleeps, l cannot get it out of my head. lt is here again, in my head, l am going ccccccccrazy !!!!!!!!
sheepy, l would think nothing less from you. ha, ha, lol.
on 12-01-2015 01:28 AM
I am going to get that stupid jumping ewe, ewe wait and cee !!!!!! Have got just the place for it, my DINNER TABLE.
on 12-01-2015 07:35 AM
Now, That's What l like, A SMART (**bleep**d) Happy ebay Shopper !!!!!! & Dont' forget to tell all your friends about the NEW EBAY !!!!!
on 12-01-2015 08:42 PM
@aussie-bazzar wrote:
I am going to get that stupid jumping ewe, ewe wait and cee !!!!!! Have got just the place for it, my DINNER TABLE.
Mmmmmm, roasted lamb chops, my favourite!!! We love lamb, we just choose not to know our food 😄 😄 😄
What goes on my dinner table was never alive. It was manufactured in a factory on those little black trays.
Catch 'em if you can!!!