on 12-10-2015 04:57 PM
Unable to see any items as Sold in the last 60days but have 7 to post but showing as no items sold anyone else having problems with Activity any ideas to help before I try to contact non customer service ????. Never seen this happen before Tried everything ??
on 12-10-2015 06:02 PM
thanks Kopes for link - I have reported. All back to normal for me at the moment - 60 days works again. Lets see how long it lasts. Fingers crossed
on 12-10-2015 06:43 PM
Thanks for replies seems to be working again for now
on 12-10-2015 07:19 PM
Happened to me on Sunday night. Had sales but showed no sold items in list. Wanted to send invoices so accessed sold items by 'you are awaiting payment for xx items' that way I could at least send an invoice.
Cleared cookies, cache, temp internet files. Restarted Firefox. Still nothing. Hoped it would right itself. Was going to restart computer when it came right. Probably two hours not working properly.
Came to forums to see of it was affecting anyone else. All ok since Sunday night. Never happend before. Hopefully not again. Not good enough ebay!
on 13-10-2015 04:35 AM
maybe THIS glitch is due to them trying to fix MY glitch lol. Near 2 weeks ago now I had a heap of items that I sold MONTHS ago turn up without my knowledge in my unsold folder yayyyyyy
I had about 100 items (well thats the count atm) be relisted to be sold again about 50 I found before they sold the others sold before I found out. so at some stage soon i need to do a stocktake .... (hmm unsure y this is now my issue to fix) so I am not contacting customers to say sorry u cant have that after all.