Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

Buyer bought 2 items. Both were postage together. Buyer is claiming that only one was in the parcel. I know that both were definitely sent. Has anyone experienced this situation? 

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Re: Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

I notice the change from empty to 'some' contents happened quite early in the discussion.

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

I too keep records of my parcels (including weights of individual items), but this buyer doesn't seem interested in these details.


I know the "missing item" was in the parcel when I posted it, and they state the parcel arrived to them intact. So what can I conclude from this apart from that it must be in their possession?!


They are requesting a refund or for me to "send another".

By requesting that I send another, that implies that they know I've already sent the first one.


I've read on the forums that a lot of sellers tend to just refund and move on (and block) in similar cases. But doesn't this just encourage the buyer to do this kind of thing again?


If I do provide a refund or send another, is it best to do this before they open a case, or during the case?

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

If the buyer is being stubbornly insistent, it really comes down to a matter of personal choice with how you deal with it. Personally, I think there are valid arguments for being done with it in the simplest, most time-effective and stress-less way, and also valid arguments for fighting to the end.


I had one buyer tell me they got one less of something than they were supposed to because they had extra of a matching piece that goes with it - I tried to tell them that I always include extra pieces of that, because they're really small and easy to lose so I add them out of courtesy, but in the end I just refunded them $1 to be done with it - about 2 x what the "missing" bit was actually worth... The case that prompted me to keep even more thorough records than I was already sounds very similar to your buyer, too. 


I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had sent all items they ordered, but they refused / ignored all of my attempts to resolve the matter amicably and just kept on insisting I send more or give them a 50% refund. In the end, I guess since I wouldn't cave without trying to get some proper details from them, they went straight to PayPal and opened a dispute. At that stage I was no longer willing to make attempts to resolve and just selected the 'return for refund option'.


The buyer decided to be clever and sent something small in a registered letter. I knew what it was as soon as I received it, and that it didn't contain my items, so I didn't open it, instead I called PayPal and requested their advice. Well... They told me unless I could tell them what was inside the envelope, they'd just find in favour of the buyer Smiley Frustrated (I wanted a credible third-party witness to me opening it, but the PP rep basically made it seem like I had to tell him right then and there or else). So, the rep listened to me open the envelope (and photograph every stage). Then I sent everything through to them.


As soon as they got all my evidence, they immediately found in favour of the buyer but said that due to "unusual circumstances", they wouldn't take the funds from me. So, buyer did get a refund, but I didn't pay for it (small comfort, they didn't deserve anything, though I reported them to ACORN at least Smiley Mad ).


So, for me, it's the pre-emptive methods that are the most effective, and sending through the photos to show exactly what was packaged has been the most effective (it was pointless with the $1-refund buyer I mentioned above, but for everyone else since I started doing that, they just haven't been able to come back with far *touch wood* Smiley Very Happy ). 

Message 13 of 17
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Re: Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

@amcamari wrote:



I've read on the forums that a lot of sellers tend to just refund and move on (and block) in similar cases. But doesn't this just encourage the buyer to do this kind of thing again?


If I do provide a refund or send another, is it best to do this before they open a case, or during the case?

BTW, just thought I'd add, in a case where the buyer won't take no for an answer and I couldn't confidently defend their claims, I would refund rather than send out more. Often, sending out more is cheaper, but if someone is claiming missing contents and wants more, but I don't believe them, I'd rather end it there and then, instead of prolonging the "relationship" with them, and/or risk sending out another package that arrives with missing contents.


So, if my only choice was refund or replace in these kinds of circumstances, I'd block, refund, and be done. 

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

It's good to hear another's experience.


If I refund, would I need to refund any of the postage amount?

The two items sent had their postage amounts added together, so they were sent with tracking, rather than untracked if sent separately.

(Items were combined and paid for together).

Message 15 of 17
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Re: Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

If I voluntarily refund one item out of an order, I usually just cancel the transaction for that item only, which at least credits me back the fees. I know if you refund on one item in an order through an eBay request, it automatically refunds a portion of the postage as well though (e.g. if there were 2 items it will refund 50% and if there were 5 items it will refund 20% of postage).

If not at the dispute stage, though, you can manually refund an amount of your own choosing via PayPal.
Message 16 of 17
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Re: Suspected scam: buyer claiming item missing. What are my chances?

I don't seem to have the option to cancel for the single item, just the option to cancel the whole order (which I don't want to do).

Message 17 of 17
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